
  • National Party came into power

    National party came into power
  • Period: to


  • Prohibition of mixed marriage act

  • Population registration act

  • Ubunto homelands act

    Land reserved for black Africans became independent nations
  • July abolition of passes and coordination of documents act

    africans were required to carry identification booklets
  • Ubunto education act

    seperarate education for white and blacks
  • 20 000 woman protest against pass laws

  • Sharpveil massacre

    69 people died while marching to police station and ANC and PAC are banned
  • South Africa became a republic

  • Nelson Madela imprisoned after the rivonia trial for high treason

  • District 6 declared a white area

  • Hendrik Verwoed was assinated in cape town

  • Soweto Uprising

    Series of high school student protest 176 people killed