AP World History Timeline- The Rise and Spread of Islam

  • Jan 1, 1000

    Islamic Optics #9

    Optics were invented to let humans see lighting reflexing off of a lense. This great Muslim physicist also discovered the camera obscura phenomenon, which explains how the eye sees images upright due to the connection between the optic nerve and the brain.This made headway for glasses and way into the future for camreas and other things. Islamic optics were way ahead of its time.
  • Jan 1, 1000

    Islamic Surgery #8

    Al Zahrawi created a 1500 page book that would later be used for the next 500 years in europe. Zahrawi found a use in dissolving a cat gut to bandage up a human wound. He also apprently did the first caesarean operation. Surgery was a freak thing at that time but it has evoled into a art that can be prepoformed on every area of the body it is very helpful and saves lives. It works in hospitals with medicine so it is in realtion today with two other invetions of Islam
  • Islamic Chemistry #3

    Al-Jabr Ibn Hayyan in 815 was regarded as the father of chemistry he said “all matters can be traced to a simple basic particle made of a lightning like charge and fire, which serves as the smallest indivisible unit of matter.” He named and created 19 elements and is credited with correct measurements of specific weights. Early on advances in chemstry helped other inventions come about. Certin inventions would now be created and the knowledge of chemstry could be spread throughout the world.
  • Islamic Hospitals #5

    Founded in Cairo, Egypt. The hospital of Tulun provided free care for anyone who needed it. It was the first real hosipital it had medicine and doctors to treat people. It was based on a Muslim tradtion to help and treat everyone. The idea of hospitals quickly spread around the islamic world and then the entire world. A critical part in our modern society would not be here if it wasnt for the Islamic empire. Hospials in modern time it cost to be treated but with modern tech most servive.
  • Thesis Islamic Achivements that transformed the World

    You cannot argue that Islamic Tech and ideas stormed the world in its time and its inventions and ideas have transformed the modern world. We would be near barbaric without algerbra and chemistry. Think of a world with no music, no hospitals and medicine. The modern world will forever have felt the impact of Islams achivements.
  • Islamic Universties #7

    In 859 a young princess named Fatima al firhi founded the first degree granting university in Fez Morocco. Her sister Miriam founded a diffrent mosque and together the complex became the al Qarawiyyin Mosque and University. Still operating almost 1,200 years later it is a symbol of education and wemons strength. In our world a Universtie is somewhere you attend after highschool for a degree. Our education system would be vastly diffrent without the asseblence of Islamic universties.
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    Islamic Music #1

    Musilm musicians had a large impact on the Middle East and Europe. They brought in many new instruments like the guitar lute and the rahab, an ancestor of the violin. The Islamic empire is also said to have created the modern muscial scale that we know of today. It was important because music was listened to as leasure and has become a part of modern day life was created by Islamic Empire in the 9th century just 250 years after its own existance,
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    Islamic Medicine #2

    Islamic medicine was created in the early 9th century it can be accounted for saving of many lifes. This form of having a chemical or a object make you better was first created in the islamic world. Medicine was created due to scienfic achviements made in places like the famous House of Wisdom. It was significant because today medicine saves millions of lifes everyday and is a household item many things that would spell death in the past are now minor things to deal with.
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    The importance of Coffee in Islam #4

    Coffee was invent in the 9th century. First brewed in Yemen around the 9th century. In its earliest days, coffee helped Sufis stay up during late nights of devotion. It quickly became popular spreading to Turkey in the 13th century and to mainland Europe in the 16th. Coffee literally started the industrialization in Europe. Industzialization created the mondern world as we know it. A massive complex socity was started by something as simple as coffee.
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    Islamic Algerbra #6

    Persian mathematician Muhammad Al-Khwarizmi really started the study of Algerbra in the house of wisdom located in Baghdad. His biggest contribution to algerbra is making 1-9 numbers and zero to have a power and efficiency. He realised this was needed to revolutionize Islamic mathimatics. The new algebraic order was a unifying system for rational numbers, irrational numbers and geometrical magnitudes. Math is now used to build things and is used everyday in almsot everything you do.
  • Period: to Dec 31, 1000

    Islamic Crank #10

    The islamic crank was one of the many technological advancements during the empire. The crank allowed them to be the first to convert from rotary motion to linear motion. It allowed heavy objects to be lifted with very little effort. This technology was a huge achivement and quickly spread around the known world. Today the crank is still used but can be considered old way of doing things comparded to modern levys and pullys. The importance of this was things could be built more effiecently.