Antisemitism Timeline

  • Period: 100 BCE to 1 CE

    Resentment of Jews In the 1st century

    Jews’ social segregation and their refusal to acknowledge the gods worshiped by other peoples aroused resentment among some pagans
  • 70

    Destruction of a temple and the exile of Jews

    Destruction of a temple and the exile of Jews
    In the year 70 CE, The Roman Empire and exiled from the lands. Later It was the Roman government that had blamed the Jews for the destruction of the temple, causing a split between Christians and Jewish religions
  • Period: 476 to 1453

    Riots called Pogroms In the Middle ages

    From the point of the fall of the Western Roman Empire, up to the siege of Constantinople. Jews became the target of Riots throughout the middle ages.
  • Period: 476 to 1453

    Blood Libel Myth, The Jewish Cultist Idea.

    During the Middle ages, The christian people created a myth that the Jews would you christian blood to initiate rituals called "Blood Libels"
  • Period: 1350 to 1400

    Jews and the "Black Death"

    During the second half of the 14th century, christian Priest, Clerics, and Parishioners pushed the Idea that the Black Death was caused by the Jewish man Initiated In blasphemous and Satanic practices.
  • Creation of the Nuremberg Laws

    Creation of the Nuremberg Laws
    A set of laws that Forbade Jews and Germans from marrying, Prevents Jews from hiring Germans to work In their households, and eventually, removed the right for Jews to be citizens of the Reich.
  • Kristallnacht

    During the night of November 9th, 1938 through to the morning of November 10th, 1938. Jewish businesses were broken Into and robbed, Jewish houses were robbed, and evicted of the residents. Synagogues were burned to the ground. And Jews were beaten, but not killed.
  • Period: to

    The Invasion of the Soviet Union

    During the German invasion of the Soviet Union, Hitler created mobile squadrons called Einsatzgruppens. Which would police the back lines for Soviet Jews, When found, they were shot to death. Over the course of the Invasion 500 thousand Soviet Jews and others died.
  • Period: to

    The Gassing of the Jews

    Although at a slow pace In late 1941, the Idea of gassing Jews had started. And began a slaughtering of the Jews In death camps. The First were those deemed unfit to work. From there they gassed just about everyone who wasn't deemed "Pure Aryan." This continued until the surrender of the Nazis in 1945.
  • The Start of the "Final Solution"

    The Start of the "Final Solution"
    Hitler and his top commanders discuss the end to "The Jewish Question." This lead to the creation of the Yellow Stat patches. If spotted with one, you would be sent off to a USSR camp or Polish ghetto.
  • Death Marches

    Death Marches
    During the year of 1944, The German guards at the concentration and death camps worked hard to move Jews from the front line. This was referred to as a "death march" as the lives of thousands would be taken from the walk, or not being able to keep up, If you fell behind In the pack you would Immediately be executed.
  • Antisemitism In France

    Antisemitism In France
    In 2017 the violent acts classification marked that 40% of the violent acts committed were targeted at the 1% Jewish population of France.