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Antisemitism Timeline

  • 1 CE

    Antisemitism begins

    Antisemitism begins
    Scholars believe that the hatred for the Jews started about 2000 years ago when the Roman Empire existed and Christianity had just begun because of Jesus which was around the year 1 AD. When the Romans conquered the Jews and forced them to convert to their religion the Jew refused to stop worshiping their God. That is why they were viewed as "stubborn" and "hostile".
  • 1500

    Separation from Jews

    Separation from Jews
    By the sixteenth century the Jews were already being discriminated against and seen as inferiors, they were even placed ghettos. Many people even blamed the Jews on the simplest things, like catastrophes, that happened. Some of these were droughts, crimes and plague so many people that were misinformed began to separate themselves from these Jews.
  • Period: to

    The Destruction of the Ghettos and the Birth of "Racial Prejudice"

    Throughout the years 1700's and 1800's the ghettos that had been built for the Jewish people began to come down. But instead the word "race" began to predominate the way that people viewed the Jews and other races. They even began to see the "Aryans" as the superior race above all the other ones. In the past the Jewish had begun discriminated because of their religion, but now they were discriminated because of their race.
  • Proof that Jews were "More Alike than Different"

    Proof that Jews were "More Alike than Different"
    In the 1800's the German Anthropological Society strongly opposed the idea of racism that had begun with the Jews. They determined through many studies conducted between Jewish and Aryan children that they were actually had more similarities than they had differences. People those days just ignored the studies and the results found with this study.
  • Period: to

    Jews Seen as the "Racial Enemy"

    At the beginning of the 1900's the attacks against the Jews intensified greatly. During that time, the Jews' influence had increased greatly, there was a large number of Jewish judges, Jewish politicians and Jewish civil servants. This was a positive thing, but then at the beginning of the Great Depression in the early 1900's, people started to blame the Jewish people on the problems that the world was having. Many, like Adolf Hitler, began to spread the idea that Germany was dominated by Jews.
  • Period: to

    Hitler Murders 1/3 of Jews

    From the year 1933 to the year 1945 Hitler and his followers have made it their goal to murder Jewish people in all off Western Europe. To them, it didn't matter if they were young or if they were old, they were still taken into the camps to be murdered.
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    Hitler Takes Over Germany

    In the year 1933, Adolf Hitler became the Chancellor, or Prime Minister, of Germany. Immediately after receiving this power, he began to separate Jews ad take away their rights that they had. In 1935 he had the citizenship of all Jews taken away.
  • Period: to

    Holocaust Begins

    When Hitler became Chancellor in 1933, he then used this to take over Germany completely in 1940 so he could isolate the Jewish people completely. Then in 1943, the Jewish in Europe had either been captured and murder or already on their way to their death.
  • Hitler Takes over Hungary

    Hitler Takes over Hungary
    When Hitler had started to kill Jews in Western Europe many Jews had still survived because they lived in Hungary which was an ally of Germany. But this all change when Hitler demanded Hungary complete jurisdiction over the Jews to send them to their deaths. Then in 1944, he took over the government in Hungary and began to ship 12 thousand Hungarian Jews to the concentration camps.