
Anti-Simetic Laws in Germanu

  • Enabling Acts

    Enabling Acts
    this was a law that made hitler the dictator of nazi germany
  • Jewish Boycott

    Jewish Boycott
    nazi began a boycott on jewish businesses. jews were banned from many hotels, restruants, etc. nobody was allowed to shop at jewish businesses.
  • Aryan law

    Aryan law
    nazis issued that non-aryans were jewish parents and grandparents
  • Berlin book burning

    Berlin book burning
    German students from different universities pile books and burn them and most of the time they give the nazi salute
  • Nuremberg Laws

    Nuremberg Laws
    one law was allowing for forced sterilization of genetic defects
    another law was to exclude jews from the arts
    next law was to prohibit jew from being newspaper editors
    final law was to strip jewish immigrants from poland of their german citizenship
  • Law #174-Jewish name change

    Law #174-Jewish name change
    law 174 forced all jews to choose a name from a list of hebrew names and all jewish males were assigned the middle Isreal and all jewish females were assigned the middle name Sarah
  • NIght of Brocken Glass

    NIght of Brocken Glass
    It was an event that was unplanned but was caused becase german soldiers got mad at the jews because of the assanation of a german official and the germans burned down jewish synagogues and destroyed jewish stores.
  • Jewish Star Requirement

    Jewish Star Requirement
    The nazis decided to force all jews to wear a patch of the star of david on their clothing and anyone who didnt were at risk of death. if you wore this patch you were sent to ghettos which were called jewish ghettos