
By Macayla
  • 1 CE

    The begninning

    When the Roman empire first taken over, some Jews refused to convert leading to a bad connotation. Some disciples separate themselves from Judaism leading to a different type of christian. When things got violent between a church and a synagogue they worked hard to make the differences between the two groups larger and work to show the two as dangerous.
  • 1500


    Jews were vulnerable to attack and were isolated living in ghettos. Because of the separation new myths and superstitions came and were shown as the cause of every bad thing that happened. Seen as agents of devils
  • Race

    Race was now seen as genetic heritage. Many superstitions came with this along with ranking of the 'races'. Many Europeans and Americans traced theirs back and saw themselves as superior to other races. This lead to Jewish people and other minorities being targeted for what was considered an inferior race along with race.
  • Racism

    Racism became acceptable leading to more attacks on Jewish people. Especially in bad times. People who were against Jewish people started saying that Jewish people were everywhere and were taking over everything even though they barely had any control in anything. Many started to believe that Jewish people were taking over.
  • Hitler

    Once Hitler became chancellor he set in place and a series of rules that stripped Jewish people of rights and eventual citizenship, also stopped contact between Jews and Christians. Eventually started killing Jews. He soon started taking over other countries and doing the same to their Jews. The Hungary Jews were the last to go