Anti Jewish Timeline

  • Enabling Act

    Enabling Act
    Also called the Law for termanating of people and nation. The act enabled the government to pass any law, write any decree, perform almost any act it wished to, even if it violated the constitution.
  • Period: to

    Antijewish laws timeline

  • Jewish boycott

    Jewish boycott
    The boycott lasted one day. The German word for Jew was paited on the signs of windows of Jewish stores.
  • Aryan law

    Aryan law
    Also known as the Law for the Restoration of Civil Services. All non Aryans in the service was to be expelled.
  • Berlin book burning

    Berlin book burning
    Berlin University students collected the books of undesirabe German writers and put them on a huge bon fire. They burned over 70,000 books.
  • Nuremberg Laws

    Nuremberg Laws
    Two laws were the Law for the protection of German blood and German honor and another was the Reich ctizenship law. The protection law was that Jews and German citizens or rlated blood couldn't get married. Jews are not display the flag of German colors. Only a full citizen of Reich enjoys political benefits.
  • Law 174 Jewish name change

    Law 174 Jewish name change
    If a Jew did not have a recognizably Jewish name, a women had to add Sarah and a man had to add Isreal to his or her middle name. The government published a list of over 100 recognizably Jewish names.
  • Night of Broken Glass

    Night of Broken Glass
    Also know as Kristallnacht, it is called this because glass from the homes of Jews and Jewish workplaces were scattered all over the ground.
  • Jewish Star requirement

    Jewish Star requirement
    All Jews from the age of six were forbidden to apper in public without diplaying the Jewish star. For the first time since the middle ages, a Jewish badge was used as a mark ofshame.