Anti - Jewish laws of Pre- WWii Nazi Germany

  • Berlin Book Burning

    Berlin Book Burning
    They took the un - german spirit book from almost every libary and 1/3 of all books in german libary were taken and destroyed. they took these books and burned them.
  • Barefoot In Munich

    Barefoot In Munich
    This is when a lawyer walked around with a sign around his neck. the sign said " I am Jewish but I will not complain about the Nazi's. It also said he would never complain about the police.
  • Enabling Act

    Enabling Act
    All German people voted for hitler and he became their Chancellor. As he got the power he took it for himself and was controlling all Germans. The Nazi's then had all control of their country.
  • Jewish Boycott

    Jewish Boycott
    Hitler called a boycott for all Jewish Buisnesses , there were many posters so that people were aware that it was going on. It lasted one day and many german people were not effected but the jews were all so scared.
  • Aryan Law ( Civil Service= Goverment Jobs)

    Aryan Law ( Civil Service= Goverment Jobs)
    Jews could not get jobs at theaters , arts or liteacure. All jewish people were tooken away from their jobs. Jews in the dentist or doctor buisness were pulled out. 1% of jews made up the population.
  • Nuremberg Law

    Nuremberg Law
    Hitler had alot of power and kept it over the years by killing people who got in his way. One law was that German citizens and Jews could not get married or have sexual relationship. Their were many signs that said no Jews or dogs.
  • Nazi Segreation

    Nazi Segreation
    The nazi segreated against all Jewish people. On the culture site it shows a woman hiding her face sitting on a bench that was for Jewish people only.
  • Law #174 Jewish name changes

    Law #174 Jewish name changes
    This law was to make sure Jelwish people had a name that sounded jewish, if the name did not sound Jewish then they would have to add sarah for a girl and Israel for a boy. Also Jews would get stamped with a J or the word Jude. ( jewish names to show names that sound Jewish)
  • Jewish Persecution

    Jewish Persecution
    This is when the Nazi's would make the old and elderly people clean and work on the streets. Since the nazi's didnt l ike the Jewish people , only the Jewish people had to clean the streetss.
  • Night of Broken glass

    Night of Broken glass
    This took place on both the 9th and 10th of november. This is called the Night of Broken glass because of all the Jewish stores and homes whose glass got smashed. After this attack over 3,000 Jews were killed and many were sent to concentration camps.
  • Children clean streets

    Children clean streets
    The children were forced to clean the streets. Not all children only the Jewish children becuase the Nazi's had full control of them. In the picture it shows the Jewish kids cleaning streets.
  • Jewish star requirment

    Jewish star requirment
    Any Jews were forbidden to walk around withouht the star on them . The star symbolized a mark of shame , all Jews had to wear it to be able to walk around. All the Jewish people were basically trapped.