Anti-Jewish Laws of Pre-WWII Nazi Germany

By ald1999
  • Enabling Act

    Enabling Act
    Allowed the Cabinet to introduce new laws/legislations without it going to throught the Reichstag. The laws/legislations did not need presidental approval. It had a lifespan of four years and the Reichstag had to renew this law when the time had come.
  • Period: to

    Anti-Jewish Laws

    This timespan holds not all but some laws that were established during the Nazi rule. Theses laws where limitations for the Jews. Many were made during this time.
  • Jewish Boycott Law

    Jewish Boycott Law
    Allowed German people to take land, shops, and offices from Jews. The Jews were kicked out by stormtroopers and German people did not buy the products.
  • Aryan Law

    Aryan Law
    Civil Service workers had to show Aryan blood through the enheritants of parents and grandparents with documentation. If not, workers would be dismissed.
  • Law against Overcrowding in Schools and Universities

    Law against Overcrowding in Schools and Universities
    If a school was overcrowded, Jews were not accepted as the school would get full. The number of non-Aryan Germans who were amitted could not go over the number of Aryan students.
  • Berlin Book Burning

    Berlin Book Burning
    Berlin University students collected works of undesirable wirters that were against the Nazi party or about Jews. The act was called ‘against the un-German spirit.’ The books and other writing pieces were thrown into a huge bonfire. By the end they had burned 70,000 tons of books.
  • Reich Citizenship Law

    Reich Citizenship Law
    This law stripped the German Citizenship to Jews. Also it introduced a new distiction between "Reich Citizens"(Germans) and and "naitonals"(Jews).
  • Law for the Protection of German Blood and German Honor

    Law for the Protection of German Blood and German Honor
    Marriages between Jews and pure Germans or related blood were forbidden. Marriages performed were invalid and technically not officially married. Also jews could not hire any female citizen of German or related blood. Jews were forced from parks and bigger citites and villages. Cafes and park benches were also marked.
  • Jewish Name Change- Law #174 (Law on Alteration of Family and Personal Names)

    Jewish Name Change- Law #174 (Law on Alteration of Family and Personal Names)
    Any Jew that didn't have a 'reconizably Jewish' name the men had to add 'Israel' as middle names and the women had to add 'Sarah' as their middle name. Now these Jews were reconizable. Germans could not name their baby from the government list of Jewish names. Passports thta belonged to Jews were stamped with a J or Jude. *no day of the week specifited
  • Night of Broken Glass

    Night of Broken Glass
    On this night stores were looted and destroyed with stroefronts smashed all over. There was glass all over and given the name of 'NIght of Broken Glass.' The Nazi's had gone throught with the attack as they wanted it to appear spontaneous. SS officers received instruction to go in civil clothing and destroy or burn the shops.
  • Law on the Organization of National Works

    Law on the Organization of National Works
    This law cancels all state contracts held with Jewish-owned firms.
  • Law on Midwives

    Law on Midwives
    Bands Jews from becomeing or practicing being a midwife. This law bands Jews from the ocupation.
  • Forbiden sale of lottery tickets to Jews

    Forbiden sale of lottery tickets to Jews
    The president of German Lottery forbids the sale of lottery tickets to the Jews.
  • Jewish Star Requirement

    Jewish Star Requirement
    All Jews from the age of six and are up were forbidden to appear in public without displaying the Jewish star.