Anti  jewish

Anti-Jewish laws in Pre-War Germany

  • Enabling Act

    Enabling Act
    An act that allowed the Nazis and Hitler to make any laws they want. This gave the Nazis and Hilter full control.
  • Jewish Boycott

    Jewish Boycott
    Stormtroopers and SS man stood in front of each Jewish store and painted Jews Perish. This was so that no one buys jewish goods.
  • Nazi Pickets

    Nazi Pickets
    People who are against the Jews and carry around signs that say "Comrades! Defend yourselves! Don't buy from Jews!"
  • Aryan Law (Civil Service=Government Jobs)

    Aryan Law (Civil Service=Government Jobs)
    This law was the fist anti-Jewish law and it said that all Jewish civil serive were to be expelled.
  • Berlin Book Burning

    Berlin Book Burning
    The Berlin University students took books of undesirable writers and burned them in bon fires. They burned a total of 70,000 tons of books that went aginist the Nazis or German.
  • Nazis Propaganda

    Nazis Propaganda
    "The protocols of the elder zion" is a Nazi anti- semitic text.
  • Nuremberg Laws –provide Several Examples

    Nuremberg Laws –provide Several Examples
    This law has two parts, the first part is that marridge between a Jew and a German citizen was not allowed and the Jews couldn't wear any German color. Also the second part of the law was that Jews weren't allowed to be included in any political affairs.
  • Law#174 - Jewish name change

    Law#174 - Jewish name change
    This law made any Jew's name that was unreconizablevto be Jewish had to add "Sarah" as a female's middle name and "Israel" as a male's middle name.
  • Jews Expelled

    Jews Expelled
    Over 7000 Jews were kicked out of Germany by the Nazis andthey weren't accepted at first by poland, but poland changed their mind and accepted them.
  • Night of Broken Glass

    Night of Broken Glass
    This event happened form the 9th to the 10th of November in 1938. Jewish houses and stores had their glass shattered and scattered across Germany's streets.
  • Forced labor in Poland

    Forced labor in Poland
    Jews were forced to repair Nazis' roads that are in Poland.
  • Jewish children forced to clean streets

    Jewish children forced to clean streets
    The Jewish children were forced to clean Nazi owned streets.
  • Jewish Star Requirement

    Jewish Star Requirement
    This made the Jews wear a star on them if they were 6 years or older. Then there was an addition a moonth later that didn't allow Jews to leave their house without permission, with meant they were trapped.