Anti-Jewish laws in pre-war Germany

By mrboo
  • Enabling Act

    Enabling Act
    The Enabling Act was called "the law for terminating the suffering of people and nation." This act made it possible for the government to legalize or ilegalize anything.
  • jewish boycott

    jewish boycott
    The Germans weren't buying any thing from the jews in protest. Oddly the boycott lasted only a day.
  • Aryan Law

    Aryan Law
    All non-aryan's, the jews, were kicked out of the civil service, couldn't be in movies.
  • book burning

    book burning
    the Nazis burned 70,000 books written by "undesirable" writers in a giant bonfire.
  • Nuremberg Laws

    Nuremberg Laws
    there were 2 laws "the law for the protection of German blood and German honor" which said that Germans and Jews couldn't marry or be related by blood. The other law was "the Reich Citizenship law' which said "a citizen of Reich is only that subjected by German or related blood and prozes he will serve Germany."
  • Law #174

    Law #174
    jewish women had to add "Sahara" to their names and men had to add "Israel" to their names. Jewish passports had a "J" stamped onto them.
  • Jews expelled

    Jews expelled
    7000 Jewish people were expelled from Germany by the Nazis and lived in Zbaszyn.
  • The Night of Broken Glass

    The Night of Broken Glass
    More than 200 synagogues were burned. Over 7000 jewish businesses were trashed.
  • Jewish star requirement

    Jewish star requirement
    This requirement made it illegal for any jew that is 6 years or older to appear in public without the Jewish star visible on their person.