Andrew jackson ab

Andrew Jackson/Satvik Kini

  • Jackson's birth

    Jackson's birth
    Andrew Jackson was born on march 15th, 1767 in South Carolina
  • Period: to

    Jacksonian Era

    The timeline of Andrew Jackson
  • The Battle of Horseshoe Bend

    The Battle of Horseshoe Bend
    On march 27,1814 near the Tallapoosa river in Alabama, General Andrew Jackson and his army defeated the red-stick Indians to claim victory in the final battle of the creek wars, making Jackson a national hero and the U.S gaining millions of acres worth in land, this led to Jackson having lots of fame in the future presidential election.
  • The Battle of New Orleans

    The Battle of New Orleans
    On January 8th,1815 in New Orleans, Andrew Jackson won against the British at a record time with little American deaths, making him a national hero and giving him fame for the future presidential election.
  • The Election of 1824

    The Election of 1824
    In the year of 1824, in mainly Washington D.C but all around the U.S, Andrew Jackson ran against John Quincy Adams for president, and when Andrew Jackson lost the election he claimed that Adams was in a corrupt bargain with Henry clay, allowing him to win the election, Andrew did this because he was angry that he lost the election
  • The election of 1828

    The election of 1828
    In 1828, in mainly Washington D.C and in the U.S, Andrew Jackson defeated John Quincy Adams in the reelection of president, and this led to the formation of a new political party in Jackson's favor, the democratic party, this also started the Era of Jackson, or the Era of the common man because Jackson was known for supporting the common man.
  • The Nullification Crisis

    The Nullification Crisis
    In 1828, in the U.S, Congress passed a a law raising the national tariff, meaning that manufactured goods from Europe will be more expensive, this helped the north but the south did not like it one bit because it hurt their economy and they nullified it. Later in 1832 Jackson vowed to uphold the law and use the power of the federal government against South Carolina. This crisis ended in 1833 when congress started lowering the tariff. They also passed the force bill, allowing military access.
  • The Indian Removal act

    The Indian Removal act
    In 1830, in the U.S, President Andrew Jackson signed the Indian removal act, which forced the moving of all Native Indians in the east, further west, so that white settlers could take their valuable land and make money of it.
  • Worcester v. Georgia

    Worcester v. Georgia
    In 1832, in the U.S, in the Supreme Court, the Cherokee Indians sued the state of Georgia because they were getting removed from their own land, the court decided that the Cherokee could stay but Andrew Jackson opposed that and disagreed, therefore forcing the Indians to sign the removal treaties, he also called out John Marshall asking him to enforce his own ruling.
  • The Bank Wars

    The Bank Wars
    In 1832, in the U.S, Andrew Jackson vetoed the renewal of the charter declaring war on the National Bank, Andrew Jackson though the Bank was a monopoly for the rich and was unconstitutional, leading him to deciding to kill the bank. He later withdrew all the government deposits and put them in state banks, he also refused to sign any charters, which later led to the Panic of 1837, which was an economic depression which took away many american jobs and put many hardships and burdens on people
  • The Trail of Tears

    The Trail of Tears
    In 1838, the were sent west to Oklahoma by the U.S government by what is now known as the trail of tears, this trail ended up being the cause of many Cherokee Indian deaths, due to the exposure of bad weather, and the issue of hunger and starvation.