Andrew Jackson/Patrick Foley

  • Jackson's Birth

    Jackson's Birth
    He was born on March 15 of 1767 in the waxhaws region. His mother and father immigrated from Ireland to America, but his dad died three weeks before he was born. He had a really good education and became a lawyer. He also became our seventh presedent and a war hero, but later died on June 8, 1845.
  • Jackson Enlistis in Revelutionary Army

    Jackson Enlistis in Revelutionary Army
    He participated in the Revolutionary war at the age of 13. In the battle of Hangong Rock Andrew Jackson was actually taken as a prisoner by the british, but luckily he survived through that or else we wouldn't have known him as our War Hero, or even know him at all.
  • Battle of Horseshoe Bend

    Battle of Horseshoe Bend
    This battle was about native americans vs americans. There were two different types of native americans, the red sticks and the white sticks. The white sticks believed that americans could benefit them while the red sticks believed americans shouldnt's be able to claim indian territory. The americans won with the help of the white sticks. Later Jackson negotiated the treaty of Fort Jackson. This made the white sticks mad because they had to leave. This also gave Alabama a lot more land.
  • Battle of New Orleans

    Battle of New Orleans
    Major general Jackson led his army in the last battle of the war of 1812. In this battle he urged other people from other places to help defend their nation. About 30 minutes after the battle started the british started to retreat, and americans started to sing Yankee doodle dandy in the sign of success.
  • Bank War

    Bank War
    This was basically Andrew Jackson against the Second Bank of America. The bank thought paper money was going to be the next new thing, bu Jackson believed that you can just print paper. The only real money is hard money. The purpose of this bank was to regulate economic policies, but Jackson thought it gave them too much power to say how much this or that costs. Jackson later vowed to kill, eventually just doing that.
  • The Election of 1824

    The Election of 1824
    This was also known as the Corrupt Bargain. Their were four canadates in this election, Andrew Jackson, John Quincy Adams, William Crawford, and Henry Clay. Andrew Jackson won the popular vote, but no one gained enough electoral votes to be elected, so it went to the house of representatives. Henry Clay knew he had lost so Quincy Adams tells him to be the secretary of state to concince them to vote for Adams sinse they had similar thinking of how the nation should be ran, and won because of it.
  • Election of 1828

    Election of 1828
    Andrew Jackson was competing against John Quincy Adams in this election. This election was different from befoer. Before it was made my congressional caucuses, but this time by conventions and the state leguslaters. It was also different in the fact that it was a landslide vote, and Jackson won it.
  • Indian Removal Act

    Indian Removal Act
    This was basically a proccess of Andrew negotiatiing but really forcing the native americans westward of the mississippi. This would mean that the indians tribes would no longer live in the states, but instead in the federal lands on the trail of tears.
  • Worcester vs Georgia

    Worcester vs Georgia
    Native americans that were in grorgia were mad because they thought it was uncostitional for americans to take their land away like they did. Andrew Jackson said I'll let Marshall enforce that, but marshall never said anything, so that meant the native americans were basically getting knocked out and pushed out of their land. This made the Natives travel westward looking for new land along the trail of tears.
  • Nullification Crisis

    Nullification Crisis
    The south thought that the protective tariff benefited the north far more than the south becuse the north was more industrialized and the south was more agricultural. South Carolina didn't like this and said it was unfair and uncostitutional. This later made South Carolina threaten Jackson, saying that if this continues we will secede. Andrew goes against this by saying ,if you secede, I will send the whole military after you.They later agreed with the comprimise tariff of 1833.