Andrew Jackson Noah Burt

  • Jackson's Birth

    Jackson's Birth
    Was born March 15, 1767 in South Carolina.
  • Jackson enlist in Revolutionary army

    Jackson enlist in Revolutionary army
    He was 13 when he joined the Patriots. Young Andrew was captured by the British.
  • Battle of Horseshoe Bend

    Battle of Horseshoe Bend
    On March 27th, 1814, Andrew Jackson led his army of 2000 men that volunteered to what is now in Alabama. Andrew Jackson and his army won with ease.
  • Battle of New Orlands

    Battle of New Orlands
    Later in the year of 1814, the british had planned to attack New Orleans. Andrew Jackson was ready for the attack. Finally on January 8th, 1815. The British lost about 2000 soldiers.
  • Election Of 1824

    Election Of 1824
    Jackson, Quincy Adams, Clay, and Crawford. Jackson won the popular vote but no one won the electoral vote. The house of representatives would break the vote but they couldn’t. Andrew Jackson lost because 2 guys made bet that cost him the election.
  • Election Of 1828

    Election Of 1828
    Andrew Jackson won the election and beat John Quincy Adams by a landslide. He was the first president who wasn’t from the 13 original Colonies. He was from Kentucky.
  • Indian Removel Act

    Indian Removel Act
    Congress passed this act, that forced the indians in Georgia to move west of the Mississippi River. Andrew Jackson agreed with Georgia to kick the Indians out. This caused many conflicts.
  • Worcester VS Georgia

    Worcester VS Georgia
    Georgia passed laws to make it harder to interact with the native americans. Worcester wanted to interact with the indians so they had a trial. The trial favored the native americans and Georgia’s law passed was unconstitutional.
  • Nulification Crisis

    Nulification Crisis
    A tariff was passed by Congress in 1832. This tariff angered the South. South Carolina had passed the Nullification Act issuing that the tax was illegal.. They threatened they would secede if the act was challenged.
  • Bank War

    Bank War
    Jackson didn’t favor the second national bank of the united states. He wanted to make the bank go out of business and this is what started the bank war. At the end of the bank war the second national bank to stay.