Ancient history timeline

  • 2500 BCE

    Mohenjo Daro

    Mohenjo Daro
    Mohenjo Daro was located on the side the Indus River. It was a large civilization that had the first plumbing system. We do not know what actually happened to Mohejo Daro. There are only theories.
  • 2500 BCE

    The Great Sphinx of Giza

    The Great Sphinx of Giza
    The Great Sphinx is thought to be made for the pharaoh, Khafra. It has the body of a lion and head of a person. We don't really know the purpose for the the Great Sphinx.
  • 2000 BCE

    Oracle bones

    Oracle bones
    Oracle bones were found around the Shang dynasty. The ancient Chinese used animal bone and turtle shells to etch the symbols on the surface
  • 1754 BCE

    Hammurabi's Code

    Hammurabi's Code
    Hammurabi was a Babylonian king who used very extreme punishments to those who broke the law. That's where Hammurabi's Code comes in, He wrote more than 200 laws that everyone should follow. If the law was broken then he would have a very specific punishment for each one.
  • 1500 BCE

    Valley of the Kings

    Valley of the Kings
    The Valley of the Kings was discovered in the 1920s. Many nobles and pharaohs were buried here in a secluded location to keep people from grave robbing. Although it still happened.
  • 1050 BCE

    Phoenician Alphabet

    Phoenician Alphabet
    The Phoenicians helped create the alphabet we use today. Their alphabet consisted of 22 letters, all of them were consonants. Later on the Greeks added vowels.
  • 575 BCE

    Gates of Ishtar

    Gates of Ishtar
    During the rule of king Nebuchadnezzar, he ordered the walls to be built. It was the main entrance into the city of Babylon. On the walls they had animals that represented deities, they believed it was a form of protection.
  • 268 BCE


    He was the third emperor in the Maurya Dynasty. His rule was harsh and cruel, he used military strength to expand territory. He used cruel methods for anyone who broke the law(s). After he died in 232 BC the reign of the Maurya Dynasty ended.
  • 221 BCE

    End of Zhou dynasty

    End of Zhou dynasty
    The main reason the Zhou dynasty was ended was because they were based on feudalism. The people answered to the feudal lords instead of the emperors and thus the feudal lords became too powerful. When they became too powerful it marked the downfall of the Zhou dynasty.
  • 210 BCE

    Terracotta warriors

    Terracotta warriors
    The Terracotta army was ordered to be built by Shi Huangdi. It surrounded his tomb, which is still not uncovered. It is thought that he wanted this army so that they can protect him in the afterlife. The construction lasted around 38 years.
  • 196 BCE

    Rosetta Stone

    Rosetta Stone
    The Rosetta Stone was found in 1799. It was deciphered in 1821. It allowed us to understand and read Heiroglyphics, Greek, and Demotic.
  • 1325

    Ancient Aztec

    Ancient Aztec
    Tenochititlan was founded by the Aztecs in 1325 and was later named their capital. They chose this specific location because they believed that if an eagle has a snake in It's mouth on top of a cactus, it is a sign that the should settle there. Hence the the flag of Mexico.