Ancient Greece - Significant Events

By Scash
  • 100

    End of Mycenaen age- 1100bc

    This is a important event because the mycenarn's were one of the most powerful of the city-states in the time and at the end of the mycenaen age also started the dark-age which makes this a very important part in history.
  • 150

    Trojan War - 150bc or 1210bc

    I chooce the Trojan war because it was a huge avent in that time. It was when they built the giant horse and used trickery to get inside the city of troy.
  • 326

    Alexander The Great Birth- 323bc

    This is a very important event because he was a very tallented king who used his military to concor of many places in greece. He shaded alot of Acient Greece
  • 356

    Alexander The Greats Death- 356bc

    This is a important event because alexander the great was a famous man who concorded alot of greece. It was also important because
  • 431

    The Pelpnnesian War- 431bc

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    The parthenon Complete- 432Bc

    This is a very important event because the parthenon was and is a very famous building which was a amazing avancement in technology and architecture.
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    Pericles Leads Athens- 443bc

  • 546

    Persian Empire comcores the asian Kingdom- 546bc

  • 561

    Peisistratos Takes over Athens- 561bc

  • Jul 24, 600

    Greek Coin currency introuced- 600bc

    This is a important event because it was one of the first currences in the world. It is also very important because it set a easier way of life for people living back around that era, it also shows culture.
  • Jul 24, 641

    Slavs Overrun Greece- 641Ad

  • Jul 24, 745

    Polydorus Became king of Sparta- 754bc

  • Jul 23, 776

    First Olympic Game- 0776bc

    This is a important event because it was the start of a very important event that some people still compeat in today. It is also a highly reconizable event that is celibrated all over the world.
  • The Second Messenian war ends- 685bc

  • Pythagoras is Born- 569bc

  • Domocracy Began in Athens- 508bc

    This is a important event because it was when they first intoducted democracy and goverment into a community (even though it was only avalible for Greece males) This is also a very important event because democracy is a process we still use today.
  • Greece goes to sea to set colonies- 800bc

  • Invention of The Catapult- 339bc

    This is a very important event because it was the first creation of a deadly wepond used in many famous combat and wars. It was also very important because it is sometimes (But rarely) used today.
  • Minoan Cililisation Begins 3000bc

    This is a important event because it was the arrival of tribes in greece which set up most of the collinies that made Greece what it is today. It is also important because it was the start of the Bronze Age.