An Age of Catastrophies

  • Mein Kampf

    Hitler's book was published on this day after his time in jail. It released his political plans as well as his idea of making the Jews a scapegoat, and creating "The Perfect Race".
  • Stock Market Crash

    On this date, the Dow Jones dropped more than 10% in value leading to a continuous drop in value. This was caused by higher demand to pay back loans faster and the majority of investors having to sell their stocks and shares to pay off the loan. This would soon lead to the Great Depression.
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    The Great Depression

    The Great Depression basically started as soon as the Stock Market Crashed in the United States. It took a toll on the entire world and unempolyment skyrocketed. Even today's economy has not reached the severe level of desperateness that most countries did then. It affected nearly every country worldwide and led to dramatic changes in life-style and even changed stereotypes for women as they began to work as well.
  • Invasion of Manchura

    As Japan continued to expand and reach out to new territories, it began to take over Chinese land. The Kwutang Army invaded Manchura and stayed there until the end of World War Two, using it as a "puppet state".
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    Japanese Expansion

    Starting with the Battle of Manchura, Japan didn't stop expanding until forced to at the Battle of Coral Sea. Only then did Japan stop expanding.
  • Hitler Comes to Power

    On this day, Adolf Hitler became the Chancellor of Germany. He did this by gaining large amounts of followers through propaganda, media, and murders. He blamed Jews and raised children called the "Hitler Youth" to think like him, and treat Hitler like a God. His goal was complete and total rule of the world, and his dream was The Perfect Race. Called the Aryan Race, they were blonde hair and blue eyed people. He promised them a utopia just like other totalitarian leaders.
  • Enabling Act

    While there are many nit-picky details about this, the full effect of this document gave Hitler complete and total power as a total ruler and a dictator.
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    The Ethiopian War

    This is the second war between Italy and Ethiopia. The first time Italy was not prepared and couldn't hold their own and lost the war tragically. When they came back they destroyed Ethiopia and it's villages showing the new threat of Italy.
  • The Nuremburg Laws

    On this day, all of the the Nuremburg Laws became effective. These laws put many restrictions on Jews, and in fact discriminated against them for many reasons. It effectively seperated Jews and Germans socially, almost as a foreshadow to the physical seperation. Jews were not allowed to marry, or even employ Germans.
  • Remilitarization of the Rhineland

    Germany's army once again came back to Rhineland, which goes against the Treaty of Versailles. By doing this Germany not only was ignoring an international Treaty, it was considered a hostile act and a threat to other countries.
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    Spanish Civil War

    A Spanish civil war against the Republic was led by the people and supported by both Hitler and Mussolini. With the help of these powerful governements, Spain succeeded.
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    There isn't a set date on when the Appeasement failed, as Hitler slowly tore away at it. It was a peace treaty with two components: Anschluss, and the Munich Agreement. Both were later dismantled by Hitler, and he proved the Alliance to be weak and easily fooled.
  • Rape of Nanking

    A fight between China and Japan in which the Japanese took control of Nanking. Around 300,000 were killed in the war, as it lasted for six absolutely brutal weeks.
  • Anschluss

    In this act, a part of the Appeasement, Austria was annexed into Germany. This was the first of Germany's many conquests.
  • Munich Agreement

    The Munich Agreement supposedly allowed the German speaking people of Sudetan in Czech. to choose which country they belong to, but was a tactic of Hitler to take more land.