amurillo halacoust

  • End of WW I

    World War I came to an end when the treaty Versallies was put into action. At the end of this war, ermany had to 57 trillion for the damages they had caused. Also, Hitler promised that all jews would be removed from Germany.
  • The beginning of the holocaust

    Adolf Hitler was appointed the chancellor of Germany. He banned anything that he believed would in danger the public and their safety.
  • Law against Jewish

    The Government put into actions laws that were the jewish. They banned many jewish from working. They also banned from going to school.
  • Jews are not Allowed

    The Jews were phrohibited to many things. For example, they were not allowed to mary any german citizen. Many Jewish had their citizen ship taken away. Jews were pretty much not allowed to do many things they were allowed to do before. Towards the end of may the mas arrest began and the jews were taken to concentration camps.
  • HItler Won't Give up

    Jewish people Were forced to leave their cities even if they didn't want to. Many other states didn't want to increase the number of jews that were admmitted. Hitler would send jews-poland citizens back to poland before sending them he robs them. On the night of the "Broken Glass" Hitler destroys 7,000 jewish business, kills 100 jews and injures more than thousand. He also arrested 30,000 and sends them to concentration camp.
  • Start Of WW II

    The start of WWII began when Germany invaded poland. The Nazis created Ghettors forcing all jews ro live their in siuations. Poland jews were shot and tortured.
  • Declaration of war / killings of jews

    Geman invades Yugoslavia and greecs in april they also declared war on the U.S. 30,000 jews are killed in ravine. They are asked to lie down facing the dirt then shot then keep doing it until the process is done. On October 23 19,000 jews are burned alive in Odessa.
  • The final solution

    Nazi officials met to decide on what the final solution would be. they decided that their final solution would be to kill Jews more efficently . Gas chambers, referred to showers, were used to killed large groups of jews.
  • Liberation of jews.

    Jewish people were happy because the U.S liberated them
  • Aftermath

    The nazi soldiers were horrified of what would happen to them because they killed more than 6 million jews. The nazis soldiers knew that what they had done in the past years was bad.