Aminas voice 9781481492072 hr

Amina's Voice Timeline

  • 2nd Grade: Amina meets Soojin

  • 2nd Grade: Amina gets stagefright and forgets line during school play

  • Period: to

    Amina & Soojin in 2nd Grade

  • Uncle Thayan Jaan arrives at airport to visit

  • 6th Grade: Amina starts crying about Faya Jahan after about telling her a verse in the Quran

    Amina thinks it is similar to what she did to Emily and feels like she is going to be punished by God because of it. After her mom makes her feel better
  • 6th Grade: Amina's father told family uncle was coming to visit, began cleaning like crazy!

  • 6th Grade: Soojin tries to convince Amina to sign up for solo in school Blast from the Past production

  • 6th Grade: Soojin wants to change her name

    6th Grade: Soojin wants to change her name
  • 6th Grade: Emily tries to befriend Soojin & Amina

  • 6th Grade: Amina's older brother got bad grades in middle school

    Amina's parents think he is more interested in playing basketball than his school work
  • 6th Grade: Amina's uncle (Thaya Jaan) comes and visits from Pakistan

    6th Grade: Amina's uncle (Thaya Jaan) comes and visits from Pakistan
  • 6th Grade: Oregon Trail Class project (Social Studies)

    6th Grade: Oregon Trail Class project (Social Studies)
    Amina's group includes: Soojin, Emily, Bradly & Amina
  • 6th Grade: Amina overhears parents & Rabiya parents talking about being nervous about the uncle visiting from Pakistan

    Amina's parents are concerned because they believe that Thaya Jaan may be discriminated against
  • 6th Grade: Amina learns about a Quran reading contest throughout the state of Wisconsin

    Amina's parents are forcing her and her brother to enter competition
  • 6th Grade: Amina's mother goes into panic preparing for uncle (Thaya Jaan) coming to visit.

    Makes the entire family clean the whole house and makes an excessive amount of food!
  • Amina's uncle (Thaya Jaan) starts teaching her and her brother the Quran

  • 6th Grade: Amina learns that Emily's grandmother passed away

  • 6th Grade: Emily tells Amina & Soojan that she likes Justin

  • 6th Grade: Carnival at Quran Competition

  • 6th Grade: Amina finds brother hanging out with bad crowd of kids

    He was playing basketball instead of going to Sunday school. Kids were smoking
  • 6th Grade: Uncle Tayan Jaan says that "Singing is bad"

  • 6th Grade: Amina accidentally tells Bradly that Emily likes Justin

  • 6th Grade: Luke makes fun of Emily for liking Justin

    Luke embarrasses Emily in front of an entire crowd (at lunch)
  • 6th Grade: Emily accuses Amina of telling about her crush

    Soojin defends Amina
  • 6th Grade: Amina admits that she accidentally told someone

    about Emily's crush
  • 6th Grade: After Amina admits she told about Emily both Soojin and Emily get upset at her

  • 6th Grade: Amina's mom throws a big dinner party in honor of her uncle

  • 6th Grade: Amina overhears her parents talking about the Mosque burning down

  • 6th Grade: Amina sees the Mosque burned down and the rubble/remains

  • 6th Grade: Amina, Soojin and Emily become friends again

  • 6th Grade: Emily's Dad and his construction company are going to help rebuild the mosque

  • 6th Grade: Soojin had swearing in and is now a US Citizen

  • 6th Grade: Soojin's Korean church is going to have the Quran reading competition