Us flag florida bridge

American Westward Expansion

  • Bereu of Indian Affairs

    Bereu of Indian Affairs
    Bereu of Indian Affairs was adopted in 1824. Providin healthcare, and education and welfare.
  • Indian Removal Act

    Indian Removal Act
    President Jackson told natives to move to Federal Reserves.
  • Period: to

    Civil War

  • Period: to

    American Westward Expansion

  • Homeseaed Act

    Homeseaed Act
    several US federal laes gave an applicant ownership of land due to abundance
  • Little Cow's War

    Little Cow's War
    armed conflict between US and Souix tribes to get control on Montana
  • Cheyenne Uprising

    Cheyenne Uprising
    Cheyenne Tribes attacked settlers to stop starvation. This then escalated into raids of mines.
  • Yosetime National Park

    Yosetime National Park
    A national park that is in Californina. Founder wished to keep settlers from settling in the land to protect the beauty.
  • Sand Creek Massacare

    Sand Creek Massacare
    700 force of Colorado territroy attacked and destroied a village of a Cheyeane native because they were fighting over the Great Plains
  • Red Cloud's War

    Red Cloud's War
    Combined Souix Tribes attacked settlers in Wyoming, and Montana Territories. They thought it was a last shot at survival, before the disbandment.
  • Fetterman Massacare

    Fetterman Massacare
    battle between Loaka, Cheyanne and Arpaho natives, and the US becaues americans wanted more land
  • Fort Laramine Treaty

    Fort Laramine Treaty
    bring peace to natives, and whites, souix, agreed to settle in Black Hills reservation to hold peace
  • Completion of Transcontinental Railroad

    Completion of Transcontinental Railroad
    completion of the 1,907 mi railroad
  • Indian Appropriations Act

    Indian Appropriations Act
    No longer noticed the independent tribes in America. Such as the Souix.
  • Camp Grant Az Apache Massacare

    Camp Grant Az Apache Massacare
    attack on pinal and Arvaipa Appahes who surrendered to the us army
  • Camp Grant Az Appache Massacare

    Camp Grant Az Appache Massacare
    attack on pinal and aravaipa appaches who surrendered the US army
  • The Lakota War

    The Lakota War
    Souix war involving the Americans, and the forced migration of natives to reserves. The Souix retalliated by breaking into small groups.
  • Great Souix War

    Great Souix War
    Series of Battles with the Souix tribes, with the American settlers. Also known as the Black Hills War.
  • Battle of Little Bighorn

    Battle of Little Bighorn
    US calvery and northern tibe natives to disband tribes
  • Desert Land Act

    Desert Land Act
    promote economic devistaion and aid the arid and demiarid lands
  • Capture of Nez Perce

    Capture of Nez Perce
    leader of a chief joseph formally surrenderd at bear paw mountain in montana territroy ended nez perce war in 1877
  • Battle of Lincoln

    Battle of Lincoln
    5 day fight with civilians, largest battle of lincoln county war in New Mexico territory
  • Pratt Boarding School

    Pratt Boarding School
    for youth penselvanian natives, Richard Pratt opened to get natives to American culture
  • The end of the Buffulo Population

    The end of the Buffulo Population
    The native Buffulo population has dwindled to a few hundered. Most died off due to the American settlers moving to the land.
  • "A Century of Dishonor" by Helen Hunt Jackson

    "A Century of Dishonor" by Helen Hunt Jackson
    A non-fiction book by Helen Hunt Jackson, descrbinig experiences of Native Americans, focusing on injustisces.
  • Chianeese Exclusion Act

    Chianeese Exclusion Act
    most significant restriction on free imigraiton in US history, prohibiting imigration of chianeese workers
  • Bill Cody's "West Wild Show"

    Bill Cody's "West Wild Show"
    A show that influenced, and was percieved of the American Wild West.
  • Capture of Geronimo

    Capture of Geronimo
    Geronimo was a prominant leader of the Appache tribes. He fought off the Texans, and the Mexicans, Was finally caputred by Americans
  • Dawns Act

    Dawns Act
    authorized the president to servey native tribal land and divide into different amounts for individuals
  • Wounded Knee Creek Massacare

    Wounded Knee Creek Massacare
    Last band of Soix natives, surrendered to the american army. Accidental gun went off, sparking a massacare.
  • Forest Reserve Act

    Forest Reserve Act
    The President set aside forest reserves for the public domain
  • Turner Thesis

    Turner Thesis
    Is the arguement stressing the American Frontier, formed the American democracy.
  • Carey Act

    Carey Act
    allowed private companies in the US to build irrigation sysetms in the west