American Suffragist Movement

  • convention at seneca falls

    The first women"s right convention in Seneca Falls was attended by 300 people.Among the attendees were Amelia Bloomer, Charlotte Woodward and Fredrick Douglas.
  • The Eleventh National Women Convention

    This was the first meeting held in New York City since the beginning of the civil War.Lucretia Mott later changes the name to the American Equal Rights Association
  • 15th Amendment

    the amendemnt was changed.Women were now able to vote, although women who went to the poll to test the amendment were turned away
  • International Council Of Women

    Women in the Washington territory are granted full voting rights.International Council Of Women is later formed by prominent suffragists in Liverpool.Leaders of the gtoup worked together to lay down differences between the two groups.
  • President Wilson

    President Wilson issues a statement supporting a federal amendment to grant woman's suffrage. He later addresses the senate in support of the nineteenth amendment but it fails to win the required 2/3 majority of the senate votes.
  • Anti-Suffragists

    • For a third time, the House votes to enfranchise women. The Senate finally passes the Nineteenth Amendment, and suffragists begin their ratification campaign.
  • American Equal Rights Association

    Lucy Stone, Henry Blackwell, Clarina Nichols, and others travel to Kansas to agitate for women's suffrage. After months of campaigning, suffragists are defeated on the fall ballot.At the American Equal Rights Association annual meeting, opinions divide sharply on supporting the enfranchisement of black men before women.
  • National Woman Suffrage Association

    The national Women Suffrage Association was formed by Stanton And Anthony that only allowed female membership and advocated for woman sufffrage.Later on Lucy Stone formed the American Women Suffrage Association which invited men and supports amendment 15
  • Aint a women

    During a convention in Akron,Ohio Soujouner Truth delivers her "Aint I A Women Speech?"
  • World Anti-Slavery Convention

    This was held in london, attendees such as Lucretia Mott and Elizabeth Cady attended the meeting but was barred from participating.This lead them to hold a women's rights convention when they returned to America
  • 14th Amendement

    This amendment granted former slaves the right to vote.Women were not allowed to vote, only male were allowed to vote at that time.This caused Anthony and Stanton very angry leadin to the movement splitting after various arguments.
  • 19th Amendment

    The Senate votes on the "Susan B. Anthony" amendment, but it does not pass.