American Revolutionary Timeline

  • Treaty of Paris

    Ends French and Indian War
  • Stamp Act

    Tax on everything paper
  • Townshend Act

    Parliament puts duties on imported goods, teas, paper, glass, and paints go up
  • Boston Massacre

    A drunken mob harasses British soldiers. Shot accidentally fires 3 killed, 2 fatally injured, and 6 injured. British soldiers get tried for murder and have to go back to England.
  • Boston Tea Party

    Colonists board 3 English ships dressed as Indians. Broke open the crates and dumped out 45tons of tea.
  • Intolerable Acts

    Was the American Patriots' name for a series of punitive laws passed by the British Parliament in 1774 after the Boston Tea party.
  • Battle of Bunker Hill

    The battle is named after the adjacent Bunker Hill, which was peripherally involved in the battle and was the original objective of both colonial and British troops, and is occasionally referred to as the "Battle of Breed's Hill."
  • Olive Branch Petition

    In a final attempt to avoid a full-on war between the Thirteen Colonies that the Congress represented, and Great Britain.
  • Second Continental Congress

    Was a convention of delegates from the Thirteen Colonies that started meeting in the summer of 1775, in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, soon after warfare in the American Revolutionary War had begun.
  • Common Sense is published

    A pamphlet written by Thomas Paine in 1775–76 that inspired people in the Thirteen Colonies to declare and fight for independence from Great Britain in the summer of 1776.
  • Declaration of Independence

    Is the usual name of a statement adopted by the Continental Congress on July 4, 1776, which announced that the thirteen American colonies, then at war with Great Britain, regarded themselves as thirteen newly independent sovereign states, and no longer a part of the British Empire.
  • Battle of Trenton

    The hazardous crossing in adverse weather made it possible for Washington to lead the main body of the Continental Army against Hessian soldiers garrisoned at Trenton.
  • Period: to

    Battle of Saratoga

    Marked the climax of the Saratoga campaign giving a decisive victory to the Americans over the British in the American Revolutionary War.
  • Yorktown

    Was a decisive victory by a combined force of American Continental Army troops led by General George Washington and French Army troops.