American revolution

american revolution timeline

  • Period: to

    the american revoloution

  • the stamp act

    the stamp act
    when the parliament passed a law that all colonists were required to purchase special stamped paper for every one of their legal documents.
  • parliament repeals the stampact

    parliament repeals the stamp act that was put on the colonies.
  • townshed acts

    inderect taxes and duties put on important material such as lead paint paper and glass.
  • the boston massacre

    the boston massacre
    a disput over jobs that lead to three men being killed and 2 others being fatally wounded.
  • boston tea party

    boston tea party
    a group of patriots invaded the british ships docked at the docks of boston and threw tea overboard into the ocean.
  • first continental congres is formed

    56 delagates met in phillidelphia and drew up the decleration of colonial rights
  • the begining of the intolerable acts

    a series of laws pressed onto the colonies.