American Revolutionar war

  • Proclamation of 1763

    • Issued by King George III
    • The Proclamation aimed to closed off the frontier to colonial expansion
    • The reason why King George III did this is because he wanted to controll the colonies * It was the first event that the United Kingdom made advantage on the United States
  • Sons of Liberty

    • The Sons of Liberty were a group of people in Boston at the time of the American Revolution
    • The reason of the sons of the liberty was formed is to lead protests against the Stamp Act
    • It contributed to the Revelution by encouraged resistance to Britain
  • The Virginia Resolves

    • The resolves claimed that Virginia was subject to taxation only by Virginians themselves elected representatives
    • Reason: Virginians were angry about the stamp act and they didn't want British to tax them anymore
    • It encouraged people and solve the stamp act
  • The Stamp Act

    *It imposed a direct tax by the British Parliament specifically on the colonies of British America through newspapers and many other types of paper used throughout the colonies in order to feed their troops
    * Why they did this is because the Brit government needs the money to feed their troops
    * It made the American mad, and intensify the revolutionary war
  • The Boston Massacre

    • British Army Soldiers killed five male civilians and injured six others * Why this happened is because the tense relations between the population and the soldiers formed a mob around a British sentry and the other 8 supporter to killed, but only 2 of them were proved guilty and punished in light
    • Everything about the event, especially the colored engraving produced by Paul Revere made the citizen angry and further heightened tensions in the Thirteen Colonies, it pushed the revolution closer
  • Boston Tea Party

    • An act with a group of people named the Sons of Liberty dressed up as Native Americans and went onto ships in the Boston harbor and took boxes of tea and dumped them into the water, the aim is to make the british government mad.
    • The reason why it happened is because Americans were mad that they were being taxed by the British government but had no part in how the government was run
    • The Boston Tea Party started the American Revolutionary War (The initial mark)
  • The Intolerable Acts

    • The British Parliament passed several laws (Impartial Administration of Justice Act, Massachusetts Bay Regulating Act, Boston Port Act and Quartering Act) to punish the Massachusetts colony for the Boston Tea Party (closed the Boston Harbor) * The reaon why the BP did it is to punished the colonies and they wanted to stop the insurrection * Other colonies offered Massachusetts their support which means it strengthened their unity
  • The First Continental Congress

    • The first continental congress was a convention of delegates from twelve colonies (except Georgia) to unite the colonies together
    • Why they met is because the colonies were not satisfied with their rules and the collied together to disscuss new rules
    • It lead to the occurance of the revolutionary war
  • Thomas Paine's Common Sense

    • TP wrote the pamphlet to change the minds of people who wanted to peacefully settle their differences with the British government to fight for independence instead
    • The reason why he wrote this pamphlet is because he wanted to encouraged the American
    • It lead to the Declaration of Independence and it created mass support for the American Revolution
  • The Declaration of independence

    • It was written by Thomas Jefferson and it said that the American colonies were no longer under the rule of Great Britain, but were a new country
    • Why this happened is because people were angry with the British government but they didn't have somebody that claim for them and they wanted their own government
    • It encouraged the colonies and made them more confident