American Revolution

  • The Sugar Act

    The Sugar act started in 1764, which is that they put the taxation in Molasses and sugar, because they thought that the colonist should help pay for the debt caused by the French and Indian war
  • The Stamp Act

    In 1765, the Stamp Act was made
    The colonists were required to pay for a stamp or seal to be placed on all
    paper goods they bought
  • Townshend

    This law placed taxes
    on imported glass, lead, paint, paper and tea. The monies collected from this tax paid
    for military costs in the colonies and the salaries of colonial governors
  • Boston Massacre

    The "Boston Massacre" occurred. In March 1770, a soldier was injured in a fight
    with a dock man. The Redcoats retaliated by placing notices throughout Boston
    warning of an attack on the townspeople, if this rowdy behavior continues
  • The Tea Acts

    In 1773, Parliament passed the Tea Act, which allowed the East India Company to sell
    tea at a cheaper price directly to the colonists
  • Treaty of Paris

    The Treaty of Paris was signed and the American Revolution ended
  • Intoreable Acts

    The Intoreable acts are
    1. Boston Harbor was closed until it could pay for all the tea that was dumped in
    to the harbor.
    2. The royal governor could decide if and when the Massachusetts legislature
    could meet.
    3. Any crimes committed by a royal official would be tried in England, not the
    4. Colonists were forced to provide living quarters, candles and beverages to
    British soldiers.