American Revolution

  • End of the French and Indian War

    The war in America ended with the signing of the Treaty of Paris
  • Period: to

    American Revolution

  • Currency Act

    The Brittish Parliment forces colonist to pay taxes with british pounds.
  • Sons of Liberty Formed

    Founded in Boston the Sons of Liberty fought adamently against the stamp act.
  • Stamp Act

    The Brittish government imposes a tax on all colonial paper products
  • Townshed Acts Passed

    A series of acts passed to raise money from the colonies to pay the salaries of colonial officials to remain loyal to the crown
  • The Boston Massacre

    A threatning group of Boston colonials engage a group of Brittish soldiers in boston resulting in the death of multiple colonist. Te event was sensationalized and fueled the revolusionist flame.
  • The Gaspee Affair

    John Brown and fellow patriots burn a brittish warship
  • Tea Act

    Brittish governemnt enacts the Tea Act with economic inentions to relieve the East Inida Company of a surplus of tea
  • Boston Tea Party

    Samuel Adams led a group of patriots on a crusade to dump tea in the Boston Harbour. The men dressed as native americans boarded East India Company ships and liberated the tea.
  • Intolerable Acts

    In response to colonial upheavel the brittish government passed a series of acts to restrict colonial rights to government. The acts made colonist boycott Brittish goods in response.
  • Continental Congress

    Delegates from all colonies meet to organize their oppisition to the intollerable acts.
  • Battles of Lexington and Concord

    The first battle of the revolutionary war. Paul Revere warned the colnial troops by horse, in a ride that has been transformed into american folklore.
  • George Washinton appointed comander-in-chief

    The Continental Congress elected George Washinton to lead the colonial army.
  • Battle at Bunker Hill

    The battle at Bunker Hill was the first key battle of the war. The colonial army faired far better than their opponents.
  • Thomas Paine's Common Sense

    Paine's Common Sense voiced the concerns of colonist and added to the revolutionary flame.
  • Decleration of Independance

    Continental Congress publishes the Decleration of Independance
  • Battle of Trenton

  • Battle of Sarratoga

    At the Battle of Sarratoga the a large portion of the British army are forced to surrender to the colonial army.
  • France Recognizes United States Independance

  • Articles of Confederation

    The continental congress establishes the Articles of Confederation.
  • Brittish Surrender

    The brittish army formally surrenders under general cornwallis at yorktown to the french and american armies.
  • Treaty of Paris

    The treaty of paris brings an end to the fighting in north america.
  • Constiutional Convention

    Inteded to revise the articles of confederation this historic group of reperesentatives ended up writing a whole new constiution.