American Revolution

By Tskaggs
  • French and Indian war

    French and Indian war
    British tried to raise taxes to pay for thee war. This lead to the massice colonial discontent and the start of nationalism. Started the begining of the American revolution.
  • Stamp Act congress

    Stamp Act congress
    Intianally ment to make Americans pay bigger and more direct taxes (since Britain didn't have enough $ to pay off the war). Also to help keep troops in America.
  • Quartering Act

    Quartering Act
    British troops could stay and be fed by Americans by force ( the Americans were unwilling but had no choice).
  • Stamp Act

    Stamp Act
    First attempt at colonial unity against the British
  • Townshend Duties

    Townshend Duties
    designed to collect revenue from the colonists in America by putting customs duties on imports of glass, lead, paints, paper, and tea.
  • Boston Massacre

    Boston Massacre
    " The beginning of the end" this event was the start to ending and finishing the war. The Americans were unhappy that the British were trying to tax them. Killed 5 American because they didn't want the british there anymore.
  • Tea act

    Tea act
    Americans were told they couldnt but tea unless it came from a specific sompany ( East India Company). Americans refused to by tea and this lead to the Boston Tea party.
  • Boston Tea Party

    Boston Tea Party
    Boston shut down the port and neither side was going to budge.
  • Intolerable Acts

    Intolerable Acts
    Was ment to close the port until all the tea wass paid for. Put an end to the constitution of Massachusettes, all trials were to be sent to Great Britain and heard under a british judge, colonist were instructed to feed, cloth, and house soldiers when told, threatof independence to colonies.
  • 1st Continental Congress

    1st Continental Congress
    Stop all trades with Britain and start of colonial unity.