
American Revolution 1763-1776

By at259
  • The Stamp Act

    During the Stamp Act they required people to put stamps on everything they bought to show that they paid the tax. You had to put stamps on all newspapers, bills, certificates, to playing card, liquor licenses and insurances. It was a big deal
  • Virginia Resolves

    This was a time when the people of Virginia and their leaders believed that the Stamp Act was a scam. It was like an attack on the the Englishmens rights. They said and made a low of "No taxation without represenation. Soon after, 8 other colonies passed resolutions similar to Virginia's.
  • The Stamp Act Congress

    The Stamp Act Congress
    The Stamp Act Congress was made up of 27 delegates from 9 colonies. The congrss came together to make plans for the future of resisiting British rule.
  • Sons of Liberty

    Sons of Liberty
    The Sons of Libery was led by Samuel Adam. He and the group enforced non importation agreements against violators, like tar and feathers. At this time the stamp act agents were forced to resign and no one was selling stamps
  • Stamp Act Repealed

    Stamp Act Repealed
    In 1766 the stamp act was repealed. Lord Rockingham saw the act as a cause of civil crisis and pondered the idea of British merchants writing Parliament to rescind the tax. The Parliament passes the Declaratory Act at the same time.
  • The Townshend Acts

    The Townshend Acts
    Charles Townshend took control of the British ministry and punished colonies for the Stamp Act uproar. There were still somethings that required stamps, but nothing like before.
  • Boston Massacre

    Boston Massacre
    In 1770 peaceful troops arrive in Boston and did not like the American resistance. But on March 5th the British army was provoked access, therefore siding with firing guns at the crowd.
  • Townshend Acts repealed

    In 1770 Lord North's bowing to pressure got Parliament to repeal the act. At the same time the non importation agreements were punishing the British manufacturers. In 1773 there was a general feeling of good after Townshend Acts were finally repealed, until 1773
  • Commitees of Correspondence

    Commitees of Correspondence
    During the Committees of Correspondence the British enforce the Navigation Laws. Samuel Adams was also using propaganda to rise the colonial resentment. THe British government inclined to being like the govermnet of Hutchinson and used their advice and wishes.
  • The Tea Act Crisis

    The Tea Act Crisis
    During the tea act the British government granted British East Indian Company a monopoly of an American tea buisness. The Americans reconised the Tea Act was a sneaky way to trick the colonies to paying taxes through cheap tea.
  • Intolerable Acts

    In the time of the Intolerable Acts, Parliament passed the Repressive Acts to punish Boston for the dumping of their tea. At this time there was the Administration of Justice Act where the officials who killed colonists could be tried in England and the colonies.
  • The Association

    This was the most significat action of the Congress during this whole era of time. Congress called for a complete boycott of British goods. Which ment no importing, exporting or consuming of anything from England.
  • The First Shot Heard Around the World

    The First Shot Heard Around the World
    Parliament ordered General Gage to be the knew governor of Massachusetts. Gage did much to prevent bloodshed by disamring local militias and gangs. In April of 1775 700 British recoats were secretly sent to capture and take all the gun power from stores. Then the war really began.