
American Revolution

By jeffy
  • The Poclamation of 1763

    The Poclamation of 1763
    The Royal Proclamation of 1763 was issued October 7 1763 by King George lll following Great Britans acquisition of French territory in North American after the end of the 7 year war.
  • The Stamp Act

    The Stamp Act
    The Stamp Act was created by the British on March 22, 1765 and it made the colonists pay tax adding on the price of each piece of paper.
  • Qartering Act

    Qartering Act
    The Quartering Act was when a British soilder wanted food, housing, exc. you would have to do it for them.
  • The Boston Massacre

    The Boston Massacre
    The Boston Massacre was when a mob was attacking British Soilders and they shot andkilled people.
  • Boston Tea Party

    Boston Tea Party
    In 1773 a group of colonists who dressed up as Mohawk Indians go on three British ships that hold tea ,which is in the Boston Harbor, and dumped 342 chests of tea off the ships.
  • The Tea Act

    The Tea Act
    The tea act was to reduce the big amount of tea British had in warehouses and places like that.
  • Lexington and Concord

    Lexington and Concord
    Lexington and Concard was one of the first military battle that started the Revolutionay War
  • Declaration of Independence

    Declaration of Independence
    On July 4,1776 many mebers of the contenental congress signed the Declaration of Independence that said they were independ from Great Britan and was there new independ sorvereign states.
  • Nathan Hale

    Nathan Hale
    He was an American spy during the Revolutionary war and was captured and killed and before he was killed he said" I olny regret that I have but one life to give for my country."
  • The Treaty of Paris

    The Treaty of Paris
    The treaty of paris ended the Revelutionary War and noticed American Independence.
  • Sources and Credits

    Got all images off googe images.