Main american revolution 03

American Revolution

  • French and Indian War

    French and Indian War
    The French and Indian war was the start of all the turmoil between the British and colonist. The war was a fight for more territory from both sides. Britain wanted more of the land in the New World and the Native Americans wanted to keep their land.
  • Stamp Act

    Stamp Act
    The Stamp Act started in 1765 to help the British with their huge debt they were in because of the French and Indian War. The colonies were forced to pay a tax on everything that was printed. To prove that they had payed the taxes on the printed documents they would be given a stamp to put on it.
  • Townsend Act

    The Townsend was multiple acts all in one time.They taxed glass, oil, paint, lead, paper, tea and other products of that nature. The purpose of these acts were to increase revenue to pay government officails. This started to upset colonist. They started to harass governments that were located locally. This lead to British soldiers being housed with colonist.
  • Boston Massacre

    Boston Massacre
    After all of the new acts that had been enforced the Colonist were starting to get upset. A mob gathered and started harassing a few soldiers that were placed there to keep an eye on the colonist. After being harassed for a while the soldiers became upset and fired aimlessly into the crowed. This killed five civillian men and injurged 10. The Boston Massacre was the last straw for the colonist.
  • The Tea Act

    The Tea Act
    The Tea Act gave rights to the East Indian Company the ability to sell their tea. The problem with this is that it made sales for smuggling a lot more difficult. Those that spent their time learning how to smuggle were now out of business.
  • Boston Tea Party

    Boston Tea Party
    This was a polotical protest by rebels in the colonies. Colonist were angered by the taxation on tea. They went aboard a the ship and dumped all the tea into the Boston Harbor.
  • Intolerable Acts

    Intolerable Acts
    Britain decides to place more harsh laws on the colonist. The Boston Harbor was now shut down, Colonist were forced to house soldiers, and elected General Thomas Gage as the governer to keep military ruling. The colonist then wrote out what they believed to be their writes. This was the first step to independence.
  • First Continental Congress

    First Continental Congress
    The First Continental Congress came together in september with 56 delegates. These delegates dicussed and decided what they believed were the colonies' rights.
  • Lexing and Concord

    Lexing and Concord
    These battles were was started the Revolutionary War. The British came to America to try and stop any attempts of rebellion. While on their way to seize the weapons the Americans fought back. The lost in Lexington because they were outnumbered but Paul Revere alarmed the others, The were ready and won in Condord.
  • The Second Continental Congress

    The Second Continental Congress
    The colonist met again to discuss what they need to do next in their fight against the British. Some wanted to stay being attached to Great Britain but many wanted independence. They maybe the order to see their militia as their army and put George Washington as comander.
  • Publishing of Common Sense

    Publishing of Common Sense
    The Pamphlet was first releasted anonymously but later found it to be written by Thomas Paine. Thomas Paine wrote about the rights of American freedom. This was written so that it could relate to everyone.