american revilution timeline

By LoganW
  • Lexington and Concord massachusetts

    3800 american soldiers entered 49 killed 39 wounded and none were captured
    1500 british soldiers entered 73 killed 174 wounded and 53 captured
    The americans won this battle
  • Seige of ticondaroga, fort ticonaroga, new york

    americans had 168 none wounded or killed but one captured
    british had 78 none wounded killed or captured
  • bunker hill

    the 2400 american soldiers were lead by entered war 115 were killed 305 were wounded and 30 were captured
    3000 british entered 226 were killed 828 were wounded
  • battle of trenton new jeresy

    George Washigton entered the battle of Trenton with 2400 soldiers 2 died 5 were wounded and none were captured
    John Rall lead 1520 british soldiers 22 died 86 were wounded and 906 were captured