American Industrialisation Inventors

  • Robert Fulton and the steamboat

    Robert Fulton and the steamboat
    Robert Fulton was one of the men to help create the steamboat. Without the steamboat we would not have fast transportation and fast shipping. He made shipping easier.
  • Samuel Slater created the factory system

    Samuel Slater created the factory system
    Samuel Slater made the factory system to allow making goods esier and faster. Without Samuel the making of goods would be harder.
  • Eli Whitney Created the cotton gin

    Eli Whitney Created the cotton gin
    Eli was a smart man that thought of a grait idea to make pulling seeds out of cotton easy. He Created the idea of machinery today, now they use machines powered by computers to clean the cotton.
  • Samuel Morse created the telegraph

    Samuel Morse created the telegraph
    Samuel made the tele graph and morse code. The telegraph allowed people to send messages over distances. Samuel helped create the phones and communication devices today.
  • John Deere Steel Plow

    John Deere Steel Plow
    Johne deere created the first steel plow. His invention has created a franchise of inventions. I think we will use John Deere products forever. His invention made plowing easy.
  • The End

    Many inventors have helped create our future but the ones we have studied are the most important. I got most my info fromhttp://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/