American Independence

  • French and Indian War

    French and Indian War
    A struggle for the Ohio Valley turned into war when the 9 year war out England into debt
  • The Proclomation of 1763

    No settlement west of the Appalachins.
  • Sugar Act

    Tax on mollasses was reduced to 1/2. Duties on certain imports.
  • Sons Of Liberty

  • Stamp Act

    Stamp Act
    Colonists were required to purchased special stamped paper for all legal documents, playing cards and dice. This was the first direct tax on colonists.
  • Quartering Act

  • Townshend Acts

    Indirect Tax on imported materials like glass and lead. A 3 cent tax on tea. More riots, boycotts, and protests emerged.
  • Boston Massacre

    Boston Massacre
    The Sons of Liberty used this event to spark a colonial hatred, The end result of deaths were 5 people.
  • Boston Tea Party

    Protestors dressed as Native Americans and dumped tea from a British ship in protest. They dumped 342 chests of tea into the river.
  • Period: to

    American Independence

  • Coercive Acts

  • Intolerable Acts

    Passed to demonstrate Parliaments control restricitng the colonists rights. No trial by jury and Boston Harbor was shut down
  • First Continental Congress

    56 people met in Philadelphia and drew up the Declaration of Colonial Rights and sent it to King George the 3rd. George refuses to look at it and uses force (Lexington and Concord)
  • Lexington and Concord

    "Shot Heard Round the World" First battle of what would become the Revolutionary War.
  • Second Continental Congress

    Documents to announce Americas Independence. The main author was Thomas Jefferson. We declared our freedom from England
  • Decleration Of Independence

    Decleration Of Independence
  • Ratification of the Articles of Confederation

  • Shays Rebellion