American History B Timeline

By 2065615
  • The Invention of the Telephone

    The invention of the telephone was in the year 1876. It was very significant because it was a very effective way for people to communicate from a certain distance away. It is now one of the top ways for communication in the world.
  • The Invention of the Car

    The invention of the car was in the year 1725. It was very significant because it was a new and faster way to get around. People were now able to get to places faster and without worrying when and where their transporation would use the bathroom! :)
  • The Great Migration

    This event happened from 1910 up until 1930. This event was very significant becasue it helped African Americans establish their lives outside of racism, and helping them get jobs. It was also a way that our country was able to stray away from racism by helping give African Americans a chance at life.
  • The Invention of the Radio

    The invention of the radio was in the year 1916. It was significant because people could also hear news and broadcasts on this thing. They could also hear great music! :)
  • The 18th Amendment

    This was very significant because it was the prohibition of the manufacturing, selling and transportation of any alcohol. We wer trying to step away from being a drunk nation.
  • The 19th Amendment

    This amendment was very significant because it was a law that was passed saying that not one American should be denied the right to vote based on sex. This was one step foward from being a sexist country.
  • The Invention of the Television

    The invention of the television was promoted in 1923. This was very significant because people were able to watch the news and see what was going on in the world while being at home. It was very effective.
  • Emergency Quota Act (Immigration Act of 1924)

    This event occurred in the year 1924. This was such an important event because it was a law that limited the amount of immigrants that entered the United States to 2% of that of the number of people from that country who were already living in the United States.
  • Black Thursday

    Black Thursday was significant because it was when panicked sellers traded nearly 13 million shares on the New York Stock Exchange and investors suffered $5 billion in losses.
  • Black Tuesday

    Black Tuesday was significant because this day was the day that New York Stock Exchange crashed. It also marked the beginning of the Great Depression.
  • Hoover Dam

    The Hoover Dam was significant because the dam's generators provide power for public and private utilities in Nevada, Arizona, and California.
  • The 21st Amendment

    This was significant because it repealed the 18th Amendment. It gave the right to the states to decide whether or not they would allow alcohol in their states.
  • FDR for President!

    When Franklin D. Roosevelt was elected for President, it was very significant because he put an end to the Great Depression with the Acts he passed and the government assisstment programs he created to help the American people out of the Depression.
  • Economy Act of 1933

    This was significant because the Economy Act of 1933 was an Act of Congress that cut the salaries of federal workers and reduced benefit payments to veterans; moves intended to reduce the federal deficit in the United States.
  • The invention of the Computer

    This invention was released in the year 1936. This was significant because it took us (americans) into MAJOR step into technology. It also was a way to store work for business and students.
  • GI bill of Rights

    The GI bill of Rights was significant because it was designed to provide greater opportunities to returning war veterans of World War II. It provided federal so they could adjust to civilian life in the areas of hospitalization, purchase of homes and businesses, and especially, education.
  • The Invention of the Internet

    The invention was very signifant because it was a new way of communication and finding and putting up information, This invention took place in the year 1957.
  • The Invention of the Frisbee

    This was significant because the Frisbee was used for a new sporting event and because it brought forth the Bernoulli Principle.