American History

  • Colonisation

    America was discovered by the Europeans. The first English settlement in America was In Jamestown.
  • Mayflower

    Mayflower was the boat that carried the so-called "pilgrim fathers" from Southampton to Plymouth, Massachusetts, in the fall of 1620. The Plymouth Colony was the first permanent colony in New England, established the same year. There were 102 passengers on board.
  • The seven years war

    The Seven Years' War was fought in the period 1756 -1763 with Prussia and Great Britain – Hanover on one side and Austria, the German-Roman Empire, France, Russia and Sweden on the other.
  • The American Revolution

    The American Revolution lasted from 1775 to 1783. The thirteen colonies that today make up the US coastal states against the Atlantic fought for independence from Britain.
  • USA's first president

    USA's first president
    George Washington became USA's first president.
  • Goldrush in California

    Goldrush in California. Gold was found in California and everyone from California, the rest of the united states and more from abroad.
  • The Civil War

    The American civil war. The civil war was a war between the north and the southern states in the USA.
  • The death of Abraham Lincoln

    Abraham Lincoln’s death. He was the president of the United states and he was murdered in a theather.
  • World war 1

    1914 to 1918 – World war 1 started the 28th of July 1914 and ended the 18th November in 1918. It was known as the great war because it led to mobilisation of more than 70 million military personnel, including 60 million Europeans, making it one of the largest wars in history.
  • The Vietnam War

    1955 to 1975 – The Vietnam war was a war between North and South Vietnam, north Vietnam was supported by the Soviet Union and china while South Vietnam was supported by the united states, South Korea, the Philippines, Australia and Thailand.
  • Bill Clinton

    1993 to 2001 – Bill Clinton was the president of the United states in the 90s.
  • 9/11

    9/11 was a series of coordinated terrorist attacks in the United States. Four civilian planes were hijacked by al-Qaeda activists on a suicide mission. Two of them crashed into the World Trade Centre, in New York.
  • Donald Trump

    Donald Trump
    Donald trump became president on January 20th 2017. He became the 45th president of the united states, succeeding Barrack Obama.
  • Corona

    The coronavirus also called covid-19 has caused around 976k deaths around the globe, and occurred around January 2020.