american history 1st semester review by peyton roberson and drew hunt

  • Industrial Revolution

    Industrial Revolution
    Went from 1760's through 1820/1840's. The industrials was a transition to manufacturing process'
  • Tammany Hall

    Tammany Hall
    There was democratic party political machine that helped immagrants mostly the irish rise up in politics mainly in 1780's and 1960's.
  • Robber Barons

    Robber Barons
    The wealthy and powerful american business men.
  • Isolationism

    Is the policy or doctrine of isolating one country of the affairs of another y declining to enter alliances
  • Scab

    A scab was a person who crosses a picket line and takes the job of a worker on strike. Many times unskilled laborers were brought in by train or bus from another town. They were used by management to "break the labor movement."
  • Manifest Destiny

    Manifest Destiny
    Dream that all americans should expand westward.
  • Woodrow Wilson

    Woodrow  Wilson
    He lived from December 28th, 1856 to February 3rd,1924. Democrate canidate to win the white house. When in house in 1919 he wanted everlasting peace when he signed the treaty of versailles.
  • Teddy Rooevelt

    Teddy Rooevelt
    He was a president. He noted for his excellent personality, ranged interest and achievements, his leadership of the progressive era, aswell as his cowboy persona and robust masculinity. He died January 6th, 1919 at the age of 60. He was Rebublican.
  • Archduke Franz Ferdinland

    Archduke Franz Ferdinland
    He lived from December 18th, 1863 to June 28th, 1914 to Age of 50 years old. He entered the army at young age and hit the rank of Captian at age of 22, Colonel at 27, Major-General at 31. His wife and Him on Sunday, June 28th at 10:45 by Gavrill Princip who was a member of black hand.
  • Social Darwism

    Social Darwism
    Opion of if someones a bad person or unfit to have kids they should be forcebly sterilized. This view cause the Buck v Bell incident in 1927 that ended this way of view from the law.
  • Upton Sinclair

    Upton Sinclair
    He lived from September 20th, 1878 to November 25, 1968. Author of The Jungle. The book was about the poor conditions in the factories of canning food.
  • Nationalism

    The love for your country.
  • Progressive era

    Progressive era
    The progressive era was a period of social ativism and political reform in the united states that florished from the 1890's to the 1920's
  • spanish-american war

    It was a war between spain and the US effectfly the result of the american intervention in the ongoing cubin war of interpendence. Overall we shot spain they shot back and we kicked spains butt as Mr.Burdock would say. The war took place in Cuba, Pueto Rico, the Philopines islands, and Guam. It results in the American victory and the treaty of Paris and the outbreak of the Philophine-American war.
  • Open Door Policy

    The policy that stated that had to do with the trade with china.
  • Muckrakers

    Refers to reform journalist that wrote largley for popular magazines. But they were too fascinated with the ugly side of things.
  • Imperialism

    Defines creation or maintence of an unequal economic, cultural, and territorial realtionship, usually between states and often in the form of a empire.
  • Sody

    A house that was made outa grass and mud. Mainly used prairie grass since it was thicker and stronger
  • Prohibition

    The prohibiting of alchohol.
  • Militarism

    Is the belief or desire of a goverment or people that a counrty should maintain a strong miltary capabiity and prepare to use it like aggressively to defend or promote national interest.
  • Allied powers

    Allied powers
    Consists of UK, USA (Joined in the last year), France, Russia (Left last year)
  • Central powers

    Central powers
    Consisted of Germany, Austria-Hungarian Empire, and Ottoman Empire.
  • World War 1

    World War 1
    It was a war between the allied powers and the central powers. The allied powers consisted of France, UK, Russia, USA (jJoined in 1917), the central powers consisted of Germany, Austria-Hungarian Emire, and the Ottoman Empire. The war went from 1914 to 1918 November 11th. Chemical warfare was a big part of the war. We learned the effects of how horrible it was and how easily it could be backfired. The trigger for the war was the assination of Archduke of Franz Ferdinland by the black hands.
  • The zimmerman note

    The zimmerman note was a diplomatic perposal from the german empire to mexico to make war against the united states mainly texas. The proposal was intercepted by the british intelligence and they decoded and told america and we outraged.
  • Treaty of Versailles

    One of the peace treaties to end the war. Signed on June 28th, 1919 excatly 5 years after the assasination of Archduke Franz Ferninand.
  • League of Nations

    "Collective military action" President wilson will go on a 8000 mile railroad tour attempting to get passage of the treaty. 2/3 of senate must agree. In pueblo,CO wilson suffers a severe storke. In March 1920 the senate rejects the treaty!
  • Teapot Dome Scandel

    The teapost dome scandel was a bribery incident. It took place in the United States from 1922-1923
  • Hawley-Smoot Tariff act

    It was a act to regulate comerce with foriegn countries to enforce the industries of america. To protect american labor
  • Battle of Little Big Horn

    George Custard led the 7th calvary regiment of the united army to little big horn were they suffer great defeat against a indian ambush and the 7th calvary got killed horribly.