Timeline 1754 1877

American History (1754-1877)

  • French and Indian War

    French and Indian War
    Who: French, British, and the Indians
    What: The French, British, and Indians fought over the control of the Ohio River Valley, and Great Britain ended up winning.
    When: March 15,1754
    Where: Ohio River Valley
    Why: I picked it because it shows a great significance in America's history
    How: It's important because it provided the British more land in North America.
  • French and Indian War

    French and Indian War
    Who: French and British
    What: The signing of the peace treaty in Paris ended the French and Indian war officially, which was signed by France, Britain, Hanover, and Spain. Britain gained more land
    When: February 10, 1763
    Where: Paris,France
    Why: I chose this because it played a big role in the beginning of the colonies.
    How: Britain gained more land in North America
  • Stamp Act

    Stamp Act
    Who: British and The colonists
    What:British imposed taxes on colonial commercial on the colonists.
    imposed taxes because of war debts
    When: March 22, 1765
    Where: colonial america
    Why: I chose this because it gave a reason for the colonists to protest against the British
    How: it showed how the British mistreated the colonists
  • Boston Massacre

    Boston Massacre
    Who: colonists and British soldiers
    What: colonists heard a rumor about the soldiers cutting down a precious tree, which caused chaos in the town square, which also caused a guard to freak out and accidentally shoot a colonist.
    When: March 5, 1770
    Where; Boston
    Why; I think it was important because it helped colonists to go against the British
    How: it made the colonists get another reason of why they should stand up to the british
  • Boston Tea Party

    Boston Tea Party
    Who: British and Colonists (Sons of Liberty)
    What: The Boston Tea Party was a protest organized by the Sons of Liberty against the British. They dressed up as indians and dumped 342 chests of tea into the harbor.
    When: December 16, !773
    Where: Boston harbor
    Why: I chose this because it was a cool thing what the colonists did
    How: it was important because it started to lead up to the revolution
  • Continental Congress

    Continental Congress
    Who: Colonists
    What: 12 delegates from each colony except for Georgia met in Philadelphia to organize colonial resistance to form the first Continental Congress.
    Where: Philadelphia
    Why: i chose this event because I thought it was interesting that they discussed something very important
    How: they created an organization to organize resistance against the British empire.
  • Revolutionary war begins

    Revolutionary war begins
    Who: Great Britain and the 13th Colonies
    What: Great Britain and the 13th colonies start to go to war over control of the 13th colonies
    When: April 19,1775
    Where: Lexington, Concord, Lincoln, and Cambridge
    Why: I chose this event because it started the fight for America's independence.
    How: It was important because it gave the colonists and sense of who they were and it also became the path to independence.
  • Americans declare independence

    Americans declare independence
    Who: Colonists
    What: Colonists create the Declaration of Independence which declares them independent from Great Britain.
    When: July 4, 1776
    Where: Independence Hall, Philadelphia
    How: I chose this event because it showed how much the colonists wanted to be independent from Great Britain
    Why: it was important because they stated important ideals that each man should have, like freedom and equality, in the document.
  • The British Surrender

    The British Surrender
    Who: the British (General Cornwallis and troops)
    What: General Cornwallis surrenders to the Colonists because 8000 British troops were expected to arrive but never did, so the General Cornwallis's troops were outnumbered.
    When: October 19, 1781
    Where: Yorktown, Virginia
    How: this event showed the perseverance of the colonists
    Why: it ended the revolutionary war which gave the colonists the right to be independent from Great Britain
  • Revolutionary War Officially Ends

    Revolutionary War Officially Ends
    Who: Great Britain and the independent Colonies
    What: The representatives of Great Britain and the Colonists sign a peace treaty (Treaty of Paris) that officially ends the Revolutionary War for good.
    When: September 3, 1783
    Where: Paris, France
    How: The colonists were determined to be independent and beat one of the biggest armies in that time era.
    Why: it provided the colonists freedom form Great Britain.
  • The Creation of the Constitution

    The Creation of the Constitution
    Who: 70 delegates were supposed to show up but only 55 showed up.
    What: The 55 delegates start to debate the creation of the Constitution.
    When: September 17, 1787
    Where: Philadelphia
    How: the colonies started to have a sense of direction in their new government, which showed how independent they were.
    Why: the Constitution created guidelines in the Colonies' new government.
  • The First President

    The First President
    Who: George Washington
    What: The colonies elect George Washington as their first new president of their government.
    When: April 30, 1789
    Where: New York at Federal Hall
    How: this event really shows how strong the colonies became.
    Why: with the new president, they now have guidance over their new independent colony.
  • Bill of Rights

    Bill of Rights
    Who: the congress of the United states
    What: the congress adds a series of 10 amendments in the Constitution that guarantees individual freedom for everyone
    When: December 15, 1791
    Where: New York in Federal Hall
    How: i chose this event because i thought it was vital for citizens to know their rights.
    Why: it guaranteed each individual their rights.
  • France Sells Louisiana Territory to the United States

    France Sells Louisiana Territory to the United States
    Who: France
    What: France sells the western half of the Mississippi River basin to the US, which became the greatest land bargain in American history.
    When: 1803
    Where: Paris, France
    How: i chose this event because it helped gained more land for the colonies
    Why: it was important because it helped double the size of the colonies.
  • The Lewis and Clark expedition

    The Lewis and Clark expedition
    Who: Merriweather Lewis and William Clark
    What: President Jefferson tasks Lewis and Clark to explore the new lands west of the Mississippi Riveer
    When: May 14, 1804
    Where: Camp Dubois
    How: i thought it was interesting to know that a small group of people had to explore the unexplored lands west of the Mississippi River
    Why: it was important because it would give the government an idea of what the lands were like west of the Mississippi River.
  • American and Mexican War

    American and Mexican War
    Who: Mexico and America
    What: America and Mexico start to dispute over whether or not Texas ended at the Nueces River
    Where:Rio Grande River
    When: April 1846
    How: i picked this event because America showed their strength to Mexico
    Why: this was important because it would help fulfill America's manifest destiny
  • Abraham Lincoln

    Abraham Lincoln
    Who: Abraham Lincoln
    What: Lincoln was elected as the 16th president of the United States
    When: November 6, 1860
    Where: United States Capitol, Washington DC
    How: I picked this event because Lincoln is my favorite US president
    Why: he was an important president because he would play a major role in the Civil War.
  • Civil War Begins

    Civil War Begins
    Who: The Union and Confederacy
    What: Confederate soldiers bombarded Union solders at Fort Sumter, South Carolina
    When: April 12, 1861
    Where: Fort Sumter, South Carolina
    How: I picked this event because it catalyzed the Civil War
    Why: it was important because it was a battle for unification over the states and for slavery.
  • Slavery is Abolished

    Slavery is Abolished
    Who: Congress
    What: Congress pass the 13th amendment which helped abolish slavery for good.
    When: January 31, 1865
    Where: Washington, DC
    How: i chose this event because it ended slavery
    Why: this event was important because it helped unify the states into one country and it also abolished slavery.
  • Civil War Ends

    Civil War Ends
    Who:General Robert E. Lee and General Ulysses S. Grant
    What: General Lee surrenders last major confederate army to General Grant
    When: April 9, 1865
    Where: Appomattox Courthouse
    How: I chose this event because it was the end of the most deadliest battles in American History
    Why: this was important because it helped abolish slavery and helped unify the states.