American History 1

By 765738
  • Jun 15, 1215

    Magna Carta

    Magna Carta
    This was a document that was wrriten for King John, king od England at the time. The document basically limited the power of the King.
  • Settlement of Jamestown

    Settlement of Jamestown
    It was the first settlement of america. The settlement failed due to its bad land and the man who settled there were not willing to get to work.
  • Mayflower Compact

    Mayflower Compact
    This was our first attempt direct democracy. 41 men set an agreemnet to give "equal laws"
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    First English Civil War

    King Charles attempted to oppose the Parliment. Parlient rejected and a civil war begun.
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    Great Awakening

    This was a movement where individualism and a relationship with God was encouraged. This brought more relgious tolerance in and the number of pastors increased.
  • Proclamation of 1763

    Proclamation of 1763
    Britain Outlawed settlement for colonists west of the Appalachin Mtns. to prevent conflict with Native Americans. We took over land that was not ours.
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    The American Revolution

    The American Revolution was when the 13 colonies finanlly had it with the British and rebeled against them and fought. It was there war for independence
  • Bunker Hill

    Bunker Hill
    2200 redcoats charge up Breeds Hill to drive away 1200 Minuteman, the British won. This showed both sides that the war would be long and hard.
  • Saratoga

    This battle was the turning point of the war. This should the European colonies that the american colonies could win
  • Articles of Confederation

    Articles of Confederation
    The Articles of Conferderation were written after the US got it's independence from Great Britain, they failed miserably. The Articles of Confederation lacked cooperation.
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    Constitutional Convention

    A meeting held to fix the Articles of Conferderation. It was done in secret so that people did not get mad at them changing the government again. The Virgina and New Jersey plan were both taken into play and a compromise was made.
  • Northwest Ordinance of 1787

    Northwest Ordinance of 1787
    The Northwest Ordinance created a plan for dividing land into territories. New states would be required to have at least 60,000 people to become a state.
  • Connecticut Compromise

    Connecticut Compromise
    This was a compromise that was made in the Constitutional Convetion. The compromise stated that each state had 2 senates and representation in the House of Representatives was equal
  • Constitution

    The Constitution was written to fix the AOC. It gave power back to the federal government and still gave rights to citizens and states.
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    George Washington

    He was well known in the Revolutionary war as well as being our first president. Washington sereved two terms
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    Presidency of George Washington

    George Washington was the first president of the US. During his presidency he was able to stop the rebllion without any deaths and introduced the idea that government could tax goods if they needed to
  • Judiciary Act of 1789

    Judiciary Act of 1789
    This established the Supreme Court as the Judicary ruler of the US. It also introduced the Judicial Branch
  • Bill of Rights

    Bill of Rights
    This was written and included in the Constitution. The document protects the rights of the citizens and it is the first 10 amendments.
  • Election of 1796

    Election of 1796
    John Adams defeats Thomas Jefferson and Jefferson become VP. This set up the tradition of a persident serving only 2 terms
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    John Adams

    He came from a family in which his Father was a farmer and he attended Harvard. He was the delegate to the first and second Contiental Congress. He also signed the treaty of paris
  • Alien and Sedition Acts

    Alien and Sedition Acts
    This was a bill passed by John Adams, that baiscally stopped the critism of the federalist. The bill went against their freedom of speech and people hated it.
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    Thomas Jefferson

    He was known to be the founding father of the US, along with being the writer of the Declaration of Independence. He was a lawyer, diplomat, inventor, writer etc. He was the president that sent Lewis and Clark to adventure
  • Louisana Purchase 1803

    Louisana  Purchase 1803
    Purchased a great amount of land for a very low price, it almost doubled the size of the United States at the time. Lewis and Clark were sent to explore the new land. We bought it from Napolean, he needed money to finacne his war.
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    James Madison

    Madison helped write the Virgina Constitution. He was voted to be in the Contential Congress. Madison attended the meeting when the Constitution was written.
  • War of 1812

    War of 1812
    Thsi war was known as "Madisons War." Britain and France were at war and the American trading ships were caught in the middle.
  • Treaty of Ghent

    Treaty of Ghent
    The treay was signed to end the war of 1812. The treaty returned all conquerd land back and fixed the boudnaries between canada and the US
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    James Monroe

    He purchaed Floride from Spain. He also establised the Monroe Doctroine.
  • Missouri Compromise

    Missouri Compromise
    Missouri applied for statehood as a slave state and this upsetted the balance of the free states. A compromise was eventually made that Missouri could come in as a slave state, Maine would come in as a free state and then the line 36' 30' was made stating that states above it would be free
  • Monroe Doctrine

    Monroe Doctrine
    James Monroe established a policy baiscally prevented Europeans to colonize in our terrioty and we could not interfera with them. He basically divded the western hemisphere and we could not have any interaction
  • Election of 1824

    Election of 1824
    This election was known as a "corrput bargain". It was John Qunicy Adams vs. Andrew Jackson and no one won the electoral vote so they sent it to the HOR and John wins by a deal
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    John Quincy Adams

    He was the son of John Adams and he helped end the war of 1812. He helped estahblish a border with Canada about the great lakes.
  • Tariff of 1828

    Tariff of 1828
    This benefited the North because it taxed imported goods. Although it benefited the North, the South was hurt by this because they couldnt produce the same goods as the North
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    Andrew Jackson

    He first wiorked in Congress and was a judge. He is the founder of the Democratic Party, also was a general in the war of 1812.
  • Indian Removal Act

    Indian Removal Act
    It gave permission to the president to negotiate with eastern indian tribes for their land. It gave them western territoy and money but we later took them back. Many died during the journey.
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    Martin Van Buren

    During his term America went into depression and banks were forced to shut down.
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    William Henry Harrison

    He died while in office and only served for 30 days
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    John Tyler

    He was the vice president that took over after William died. He signed a jont resolution that added Texas as a state.
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    James K Polk

    He the first president that did not seek a second term. He declared war on Mexico to exapnd his land. During his term alot of the Southwest was conquerd by the US.
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    Mexican War

    This war was mostly fought due to the American idea of mainfest destiny. Mexico ended up losing, and losing losts of land which now is California, New Mexico, Arizona, Utah, and Texas
  • Treaty of Guadalupe 1848

    Treaty of Guadalupe 1848
    the Untied States recevied large amount of land known as the Mexican Cession. We agreed to pay 15 million for it.
  • Seneca Falls Convention

    Seneca Falls Convention
    This was the first meeting of that talked about the rights of women. This meeting was organized by two women, and this was marked to be the beginning of the womens rights movement.
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    Zachary Taylor

    He was president for only 16 months. He was known to be a hero of the war of 1812
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    Millard Fillmore

    He took over after Taykor died. He was against slavery but still signed the Compromise of 1850
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    Franklin Pierce

    He was well known for the Gadsen Purchase. He was also in favor of the Kansas-Nebraska act
  • Gadsen Purchase

    Gadsen Purchase
    The United States bought a small area of land in what now is New Mexico and Arizona. This made it easier for the railroad to run straight.
  • Kansas Nebraska Act

    Kansas Nebraska Act
    Senator Stephen A. Douglas pushed for th organization of Kansas and Nebraska territories. It introduced the idea of "popular sovereignty
  • Dred Scott Decision

    Dred Scott Decision
    Dred was a slave who was bought in Missouri. His master moved to illinos and Wisconsin. He then returned to Missouri and later passed away. Dred sued for his freedom but lost
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    James Buchanan

    He let Kansas join as a slave staae even though he was against slavery. The Dred Scott case was also during his term
  • Election of 1860

    Election of 1860
    Abraham Lincoln was elected on this date, it was seen as the end of the Southern way. A few days after his election the Civil War began.
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    Abraham Lincoln

    He was one of the most famous president of the US. In his term he issued the Emancipation Proclamation. The Civil War was during almost the whole time his was president
  • Homestead Act 1862

    Homestead Act 1862
    Gave land to farmers so that they could use it to farm. The idea of sharecorping came in.
  • Fredericksburg

    Both Southern victories as lee and his troops kept union from capturing richmond.
  • Vicksburg

    Ulysses S. Grant bombard the city on the mississippi river for lewks. Victory secured control of the river
  • Gettysburg

    Turing point of the war. Lee took 75,000 men into the North to capture Harrisburg and threaten Washington DC
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    Andrew Johnson

    He never attended school, he was self taught. He purchased Alaska from Russia
  • 13th amendment

    13th amendment
    The 13th amendment was passed after the civil war. The amendment stated that all slave were to be free and slavery was offically over.
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    Ulysses S Grant

    The Transcontiental railroad was finished during his term. He also started radical reconstruction in the south
  • Antietam

    South invaded MD hoping a major victory would bring support from great britain and france in day 1 2,300 were killed/wounded. Single bloodiest day in American history
  • Whiskey Rebllion

    Whiskey Rebllion
    There is a tax placed on Whiskey, the first tax imposed on a good by the new US government. Citizens (farmers) were very upset.