American Expansion.

  • Period: to

    The American Revolution

    The climax of the struggles between the British and their American colonies was the American Revolution. It was spurred by disagreements over taxation and how the British were controling their colonies. Once the colonies won this battle, with the support of the French, they were freed from the control of their mother country. This allowed them to have more control and be more ambitious with their expansion as a nation.
  • Louisiana Purchase

    Louisiana Purchase
    As France had failed to put down a rebellion in Haiti and the imminent war with Great Britain, they were in dire need of money. The French offered to sell the US the entirety of their Louisiana Territory. This covered 828 000 square miles of land, so the US was quick to negotiate the purchase. This new US land allowed for westward expansion and exploration, beckoning with the call of new resources. Image Link
  • Lewis and Clark Expedition

    Lewis and Clark Expedition
    Ending in 1806, Lewis and Clark's expedition followed the Missouri River and journyed throughout the Oregon Territory. This expedition created the first contact with the Native Americans located in that area. They arrived back home full of enticing desciptions of the areas they had seen and inspired curiosity in many, encouraging others to explore and expand into the new territory. ImageLink
  • Missouri Compromise

    Missouri Compromise
    The Missouri Compromise of 1820 administed the acceptance of Moussouri to the Union as a slave state and Maine as a free state. This maintained the balance of power in Congress. Furthermore, it established the 36º30’ parallel, in which slavery above that line would not be prohibited. This encouraged the settlement of abolitionists in that area. (Exact date unknown) Image Link
  • Independence of Texas

    Independence of Texas
    As Americans migrated west, many settled in the Mexican territory of Texas. In 1837, the American settlers joined forces with the Tejanos, Texans of Spanish origin, and won independence from Mexico. The US recognized their independence, but when they petitioned to join the US as a slave state, the US hesitated to let them join. (Exact date unkown)
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  • Map of the West

    Map of the West
    John C. Fremont was a French engineer that led 12 expeditions into the West in which he circuited the entirety of it. Based off of these expedition, he mapped the West in 1845. This allowed a stronger feeling of security for those that were debating venturing into the West. (Exact date unknown.) Image Link
  • Annexation of Texas

    Annexation of Texas
    President James K. Polk pushed for the annexation of Texas after his election in 1844. By February 1846, he was successful as Texas joined the US as a slave state. This opened up a sizable amount of land for US citizens to traverse to and settle. Image Link
  • Treaty of Guadalupe Hidalgo

    Treaty of Guadalupe Hidalgo
    This treaty ended the Mexican War, which had begun in 1846. The result of this war and this treaty was over 1 million square miles of new territory for the US covering California, Arizona, New Mexico, and the Rio Grande boundary for Texas, as well as portions of Utah, Nevada, and Colorado. This new territory was open for American persual. Image Link
  • Discovery of Gold

    Discovery of Gold
    The discovery of gold in California spurred the Gold Rush of 1849. During that time, around 80 000 immigrants lunged into California in search of their own shining treasure. Not all of these immigrations were American, but a large portion certainly was. The discovery of gold greatly intensified the ideal of surging towards the west in hopes of a better life. Image Link
  • Homestead Act

    Homestead Act
    This act increased western settlement by permitting the heads of families 160 acres of public land for a small filing fee and a promise of 5 years of continuous residence on that land. Those that agreed to this were required to improve the property. Once the 5 years were up, the original filer was granted the property after paying a minimal registraion fee. Image Link