Oip (2)

America and World War I

  • The Lusitania

    The Lusitania
    In early 1915, Germany introduced a policy of unrestricted submarine warfare where U-Boats were sinking merchant ships without warnings. The Lusitania ship was torpedoed by U-20, 1,198 lost their lives.
  • Economic factors

    Economic factors
    Great Britain was the most important trading partner of the United States. The value of all exports to the Allies quadrupled from $750 to $3 billion in the first 2 years of the war.
  • Sinking Laconia and 4 other ships

    Sinking Laconia and 4 other ships
    In Feb 1917, a German U-boat sank the American merchant ship, the Laconia, killing 2 passengers, and in late March, sunk four more American ships. Both Democrats and Republicans urged Wilson declare war.
  • Germany resumed unrestricted submarine

    Germany resumed unrestricted submarine
    The Germany were aware that the U.S. would not accept the launching submarine warfare restricted previously, but they do it anyway.
  • Zimmermann telegram

    Zimmermann telegram
    The German invite Mexico to join the war effort on German side against the United States. If victory, Zimmerman offered to return to Mexico land that was previously lost to the US in the Mexican-American War.