History project

Ameracan History 1600 to 1877

  • Pilgrims settiling on Plymouth Rock

    Pilgrims settiling on Plymouth Rock
    I belive this is the most important date in american history even though we dont have an exact date on when the settled here it was the beging of america
  • The stamp act

    Passed the stamp act in great britan
  • Boston Massecer

    Boston Massecer
    A total of 5 people where killed
  • Boston Tea Party

    Boston Tea Party
    Ended the tea tax in britan
  • Battels on Lexington and Concord

    Alson know as the shot heard around the world
  • Bill of Rights

    Bill of Rights
    The Start of our government probably the most important document in US history
  • Emancepation Proclmation

    set the slaves free