Alyssa&Kalynn's U.S History Timeline

  • Oct 12, 1492

    Christopher Columbus discovered America

    Christopher Columbus discovered America
    Christopher Columbus lived in spain and believed if he sailed west he would end up in Asia but he wound up finding other land which is America. It is important because if he didnt most of us would not be here.
  • Aug 30, 1524

    Verraando Explores North America

    Verraando Explores North America
    The impact Giovanni da Verrazando had on North America is that he explored unknown lands under King Francis I of France, thus, establishing French claim to these parts
  • First Telliscope

    First Telliscope
    Johannse Kelper made the first teliscope and enable the studie of stars.
  • Besty Ross

    she made our nation proud by giving us the united state flag
  • Boston Tea Party

    Boston Tea Party
    The Boston Tea Party is important today because it shows conflict between America and Europe
  • George Washington

    George Washington
    its important today because he was the first president and carried on a tradition
  • Tomas Jefferson became President

    Tomas Jefferson became President
    this effected our nation today because he turned to promoting and more decenralized agrarian democroy
  • Liews and Clark's big expidition

    Liews and Clark's big expidition
    They found a shorter trade route
  • Womans Right to Vote

    Womans Right to Vote
    gave ladys more rights
  • Assassion of Abraham Lincoln

    Assassion of Abraham Lincoln
    he was an excilent presient