Alphabet plante henry

  • Sep 18, 700

    Romans simplafied alphabet

    In 700bc the Romans siplafided the alpabet by dropping x,y,z (latter added back).
  • Sep 18, 1000

    Semitic people simplified Egyption alphabet

    in 100bc Semitic people of Syria siplified the Egyption aphabet by making each symbal a concanent.
  • Sep 18, 1025

    Semitic alphabet siplified to the Phoenicians alphabet.

    The Semitic alphabet was only used a few generations before it was simplafied in to the Phoenicians alphabet witch only used 22 symbols.
  • Egyptions had alphabet

    Egyptions had alphabet
    In 1800bc The Egyptions had there alphabet.
  • Greeks had alphabet

    Greeks had alphabet
    In 800bc the greeks made a new alphabet.
  • Future prediction

    I predict that in 2050 all the alphabets will be the same.