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    The characters are introduced as the city is going through extreme chaos after a video is released revealing the truth behind their city.
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    The factionless leader Evelyn takes control of the city and gets rid of the factions. Former faction members don't like the way she is ruling so they form a rebel group called the "Allegiant".
  • 3.

    The "Allegiant" decide to send a group to discover what is outside the city's gates and the reason why the were placed in the city. They sneak out at night and leave the city, not looking back.
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    They are taken to a government facility where they are told that the city was just an experiment to study damaged genes and that the factions actually mean nothing. Every member of the human race is genetically damaged other than the genetically pure divergents. According to the people of the Bureau the world is crumbling down due to the gentic damage taking over the human race. They say they need to find a cure as soon as possible, before it's too late.
  • 5.

    Tris and Tobias are tested and while the test proves that Tris is really Divergent it also shows that Tobias isn't. He just has unique genes which allow him to resist serums. This upsets him, knowing he is damaged and his whole life has been a lie. He talks to a fellow gentically damaged person named Nita and she hates the facility and how they judge people due to their genes. She is a part of a rebel group against the facility and she asked Tobias to join. He agrees and joins the rebellion.
  • 6.

    The rebel group attacks and accidently blows up a wall that Uriah is standing by, making him go unconscience. Tris saves David and the facility and she becomes very mad at Tobias for joining the rebellion.
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    Tris finds out that the facility created and provided Jeanine with the serum that caused her parents death, and that they are planning to reset the city due to violence occuring there.
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    They find out Uriah is brain dead and won't be able to recover. Tobias convinces the doctors to keep him alive long enough so his family can see him one last time. He decides he should go back to the city to get them.
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    A new rebel group forms and they plan to reset the memories of the people at the Bureau, by exposing them to the memory serum. They want them to forget about the genetic damage seperating them and their plan to reset the city's memories. The lab where the memory serum is kept is guarded by death serum so someone would have to sacrifice themself. Caleb volunteers so Tris will forgive him for his betrayal.
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    Tobias, Christina and Peter return to the city to bring Uriah's family to the Bureau to say goodbye. Christina also innoculates her family to the memory serum incase Caleb fails.
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    Before Caleb is about to enter the weapons lab, Tris decides to go instead. She decides to sacrifice herself instead of letting him go, because his sacrificial motives were wrong. She also knows that there is a chance she could survive because she is good at resisting serums whereas Caleb has no chance.
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    She survives the death serum but David is waiting in the weapons lab for her because he has a suspicion that something is going on. David shoots her but she is able to type in the code and release the airborne memory serum before she dies.
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    In the city,Tobias meets up with his mother Evelyn and they make up. Evelyn knows she has to start being there for her son so she decides she's going to move to the Bureau with him.
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    They return to the Bureau with Uriah's family and Cara informs everyone that Tris died and they all become very depressed.
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    No one from the Bureau remembers anything, so they feed them false information about the facility not discriminating against genetic damage.
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    Uriah's machine is turned off and he dies.
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    The city becomes the only one in the country that doesn't distinguish people by their genes and anyone is able to live there. Tobias, Caleb, Christina, Cara, Peter, Evelyn and Uriah's mother and brother all move back there.
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    For Tris' funeral, everyone goes ziplining off of a tall building and Tobias carries her urn down with him. They want to do a "dauntless act" in memory of her and her bravery.