all night long francine pascal 134 pages

  • 1-23 23 pages

    jessica meets a college guy named scott elizabeth doesnt approve of him at all. elizabeth has to cover for jessica because her parents didnt want jessica to go out with him.
  • 23-40 17 pages

    jessica go take a hike in the woods but scott tries to take it farther when jessica says to stop. he makes her sleep on the ground in the cabin and wont take her home.
  • 41-58 17 pages

    since jessica didnt come home elizabeth was forced to act like jessica so her parents didnt know she never came home. even todd thought it was jessica. elizabeth and todd get into an arguement.
  • 59-99 40 pages

    elizabeth lied to jessicas friends so they wouldnt find out it was actually elizabeth. elizabeth regrets ever yelling at todd.
  • 99-112 13 pages

    there is a big surf competition but nobody cand find the big contebder. jessica thanks elizabeth for sticking up for her.