all about ireland

  • 6000 BCE

    People started living in Ireland

  • 700 BCE

    Ireland asked the Celts come to the island.

  • 400 BCE

    Saint Patrick

    Celts in Ireland decided they needed slaves, so they sent ships across to Britain. They captured people there and brought them back to Ireland. One of them was Saint Patrick.
  • 793

    Vikings invided Ireland.

  • 1169

    England invided Ireland

    They invided Ireland and they integrated into the Irish population.
  • James I

    James I sent protestant English farmers to Ireland to take the land from Catholic farmers.
  • British Parliament

    British Parliament abolished the Irish Parliament and governed Ireland themselves.
  • Potato Famine

    The disaster hit the country when a fungus infected the potato crop and potatoes started to decompose.
  • Emigrations

    People emigrated to the USA, Canada and England because of the Potato Famine.
  • Irish politicians started to look for a political solution.

    The movement for autonomy started to grow.
  • "Sinn Fein" party was established.

    It was established to promote autonomy for Ireland.
  • Army

    Ireland had their own army and was ready to make real changes.
  • Easter Rebellion

    1.600 irish rebels took possesion of some important public buildings and this fight became known the Easter Rebellion.
  • Sinn Fein won seats in the British Parliament.

    Sinn Fein won many seats in British Parliament but they refused them and make their own parliament.
  • The war finished.

    The Irish and English war finished with a treaty dividing Ireland into two parts.