Alexander Fleming

  • Alexander Fleming is born

    On August 6, 1881, at Lochfield Farm, Darvel, Ayrshire, Scotland, Alexander Fleming is born.
  • Medical School

    Alexander Fleming qualifies to participate in a medical school.
  • Surgeon

    Alexander Fleming became a surgeon.
  • Surgery Time

    Alexander Fleming qualifies to do surgical work.
  • Married

    Alexander Fleming marries Sally McElroy.
  • Lysozyme

    Alexander Fleming discovers lysozyme.
  • Penicillin

    Alexander Fleming discovers penicillin.
  • Antibiotic Frenzy

    Alexander Fleming named antibiotic penicillin.
  • Awarded for Good Reasons

    Alexander Fleming is awarded the Nobel Prize.
  • Re-Married

    Alexander Fleming remarries Amelia.
  • Death by Heart Attack

    Alexander Fleming dies from a heart attack.
  • Publishing Reports

    Alexander Fleming publishes a report on penicillin.