

  • Period: 29,951 BCE to Jan 1, 867

    Aipapai History

    The essential and basic timeline for Aipapai lore understanding.
    (867 is the present year of Aipapai)
  • 29,950 BCE

    Creation of Aipapai

    Creation of Aipapai
    When Zeus created Aipapai with Aphrodite according to the Amfifylofilos... (BC/BCE = Before fall of Anand) (It is supposed to mean 299,500 BC)
  • 3400 BCE

    First Hellenic Amfifylofilos states begin to appear

    First Hellenic Amfifylofilos states begin to appear
    This marks the beggining of Aipapai history as we know
  • 2300 BCE

    Amfifylofilos conflicts and divisions.

    Amfifylofilos conflicts and divisions.
    This is when the Amfifylofilos were divided into different city-states and would fight each other much like Ancient Greece. This also a period of cultural development for them.
  • 34 BCE

    First Westerners invade the Amfifylofilos.

    First Westerners invade the Amfifylofilos.
    This is the first sign of agression by the west, where they invade a small Greek city near their border.
  • 30 BCE

    The different city-states try to hold off the West but whitouh much success.

    The different city-states try to hold off the West but whitouh much success.
    The cities that compose the South-West border try to defend the rest of the Amfifylofilos agaisnt the West. They need extra help
  • 25 BCE

    A new leader arises.

    A new leader arises.
    Destined to rule, Iannis Andras rises to power and unifies the Amfifylofilos under one nation. This also marks the official start of the war.
  • 5 BCE

    What goes around comes around

    What goes around comes around
    The Amfifylofilos State is able to push the Westerners back. They procced to loot their land and destroy their cities as a form of revenge.
  • 1 CE

    The fall of Anand

    The fall of Anand
    This a major historical event for Aipapai.
  • 1 CE

    First East tribes begin to form.

    First East tribes begin to form.
    This is after they discovered the fire, stone and sailing.
  • 3

    Andras dies, no Amfifylofilos leader. Birth of democracy?

    Andras dies, no Amfifylofilos leader. Birth of democracy?
    This is when the Amfifylofilos state tries to form democracy.
  • 5

    The Western apocalypse

    The Western apocalypse
    This is where the real tragedy for the Western people happen.
  • 60

    Stability to the South

    Stability to the South
    This is when the Amfifylofilos finally setle as a democratic nation with no to few inner conflicts. A golden age for culture and economy starts.
  • 70

    Eastern tribes get stronger and gain notice from the rest of Aipapai.

    Eastern tribes get stronger and gain notice from the rest of Aipapai.
    This is when they really get relevant.
  • Period: 77 to 789

    A peaceful period...

  • 800

    The West tries to survive with what little they have.

    The West tries to survive with what little they have.
    Nothing much they could do.
  • 846

    Rhanyel becomes leader.

    Rhanyel becomes leader.
    With a bit of Southern support.
  • 857

    A group of Amfifylofilos sailors try to reach the West but fail.

    A group of Amfifylofilos sailors try to reach the West but fail.
    This is when they notice the western water is not so refreshing...
  • 867

    Present day

    Yay! Now if you want to see the modern map take a look at Mr. Friedman's wall.