
  • Title VII

    Title VII
    In 1964, Title VII of 1964 Civil Rights Act was created. This prohibited employment discrimination based on color, race, nationality, or religion. VII was amended in 1991 to include "mixed cases."
  • ADEA

    In 1967, the Age Discrimination in Employment Act (ADEA) was created. Although not as effective as Title VII, ADEA prohibited discrimination against anyone 40 years or older. The picture shows the number of charges filed under the Age Discrimination in Employment Act and how it is still in affect today.
  • Gray Panthers

    Gray Panthers
    In 1970, Maggie Kuhn, a social worker from Philadelphia, joined with five of her friends after being forced into retirement to create the Gray Panthers Organization. The organization fought against age discrimination, racial injustices, and social problems of the day.
  • Raising Ages

    Raising Ages
    In 1978, the Gray Panthers Organization secured the passage of amendment to ADEA. By doing this, the organization raised the retirement age from 65 to 70.
  • Today

    In 2009, the Age Discrimination in Employment act was weakened saying that age discrimination had to be the reason for a contested employment decision. Since 2009, no one has done anything to restrengthen the ADEA and age discrimination has gotten worse with the job decline.