18th century art

Age of Enlightenment

  • Louis XIV Born

    Louis XIV Born
    Louis XIV aka "The Sun King" was born. His reign lasted 72 72 years.
  • Thomas Hobbes-The Leviathan

    Thomas Hobbes-The Leviathan
    Hobbes Leviathan concerns itself with the nature of people and their relationship to government. Hobbes is a materialist and emphasized the “laws of nature” or “natural law” see your notes Hobbes believed darkness=ignorance.
  • Royal Academy Of Science Founded In France

    Royal Academy Of Science Founded In France
    The French Academy of Sciences is a learned society, founded in 1666 by Louis XIV at the suggestion of Jean-Baptiste Colbert, to encourage and protect the spirit of French scientific research. It was at the forefront of scientific developments in Europe in the 17th and 18th centuries. It is one of the earliest academies of sciences.
  • Period: to

    The Age of Enlightenment

  • Isaac Newton Publishes The "Principia"

    Isaac Newton Publishes The "Principia"
    n his monumental 1687 work Philosophiae Naturalis Principia Mathematica, known familiarly as the Principia, Isaac Newton laid out in mathematical terms the principles of time, force, and motion that have guided the development of modern physical science.
  • John Locke and Individualism

    John Locke and Individualism
    The Two Treatises of Government was published for the first time. It was replete with errors and several corrected editions followed. Locke outines a theory of civil society and ocuses on the rights of the individual. He believes in "natural law"
  • Gregorian Calendar is used in England

    Gregorian Calendar is used in England
    Protestant's begin to use the Gregorian calendar instead of the Julian calendar. The Russians did not adopt it and chose to continue to use the Julian celndar. *In 1582 Pope Gregory XIII (hence the name Gregorian Calendar) ordered ten days to be dropped from October, thus restoring the vernalequinox at least to an average of the 20th of March. This is why sometimes Russian calendars will have events happening in October when in the West, it is November.
  • MA bans interracial marriage

    MA bans interracial marriage
    Massachusetts prohibits marriages between whites and blacks.
  • First Piano is built

    First Piano is built
  • Period: to

    Charles VI, Holy Roman Emperor

    Charles VI's death created a huge problem for Europe. He had no male hiers and as a result, his daughter was the only option to take control the Habsburg empire. Great Britain sided with Austria which wanted Theresa to rule. France and Prussia along with Spain all wanted Theresa out of power. The war was truly global, being fought in the Americas, India and anywhere France was near Britain.
  • The Steam Engine is created

    The Steam Engine is created
    Thomas Newcomen creates the steam engine* See handout
  • Louis XIV Dies

    Louis XIV Dies
    Louis XIV died of gangrene. On his deathbed, he stated: Do not follow the bad example which I have set you; I have often undertaken war too lightly and have sustained it for vanity. Do not imitate me, but be a peaceful prince, and may you apply yourself principally to the alleviation of the burdens of your subjects.
  • Maria Theresa of Austria is born

    Maria Theresa of Austria is born
    See notes on her!
  • Sam Adams is born

    Sam Adams is born
    Samuel Adams is born! He was the leader of the Sons of Liberty, a bad beer brewer, and the first Governor of MA. His ability to sway pulblic opinion made him a powerful politician. He was John Adams's cousin.
  • John Adams

    John Adams
    John Adams: Defender of the British Soliders from the Boston Massacare, co-author of the Declaration of Indepdence, diplomat to France, 1st VP, 2nd President and all around interesting guy was born on this day!
  • Colonial Population

    Colonial Population
    Population of the British colonies: approximately 889,000.
  • Period: to

    War of Austrian Succession

    A war broke out over if Maria Theresa should take the Habsburg throne. Salic law prevented women from inheriting the throne. See notes/handouts for further details
  • The Negro Conspiracy

    The Negro Conspiracy
    The Negro Conspiracy of 1741, an alleged plot to burn down New York City, leads authorities to burn 13 blacks alive, hang eight, and transport 71 out of the colony.
  • Jean-Jacques Rousseau

    Jean-Jacques Rousseau
    Jean-Jacques Rousseau publishes Discourse on the Sciences and the Arts. It was Rousseau's first successful published philosophical work, and it was the first expression of his influential views about nature vs. society, to which he would dedicate the rest of his intellectual life. This work is considered one of his most important works.
  • Period: to

    French and Indian War

    See notes
  • Rousseau's Social Contract

    Rousseau's Social Contract
    Rousseau’s Social Contact greatly influenced political reforms in North America (American War for Independence) and in Europe (The French Revolution). Rousseau did not believe that monarchs had a divine right to lead and instead, people should be allowed to rule themselves as they saw fit. Rousseau believed in “natural law” and that whenever people gathered into groups and formed societies, they formed a social contract with each other either knowingly or unknowingly. Rousseau believed the sover
  • Period: to

    Catherine II (the Great) Reign in Russia

    Rule of Catherine the Great see notes
  • The 7-Year War Begins

    The 7-Year War Begins
    The Seven Years War, a global conflict known in America as the French and Indian War, officially begins when England declares war on France. However, fighting and skirmishes between England and France had been going on in North America for years.
  • The 7-Year War Ends

    The 7-Year War Ends
    The war ends by two treaties. The primary treaty was the 1763 Treaty of Paris, with the Austrian/Prussian segment ending with the Treaty of Hubertusburg.
  • Locke Published in North America

    Locke Published in North America
    Locke's Treatises of Government was first published and printed in America in this year.
  • Independence From Britain

    Independence From Britain
    On this day in 1776, in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, the Continental Congress adopts the Declaration of Independence, which proclaims the independence of a new United States of America from Great Britain and its king
  • Kant's Critique of Pure Reason

    Kant's Critique of Pure Reason
    Kant produced The Critique of Pure Reason over a period of about 10-12 years. The Critique of Pure Reason is considered to be one of the most influential philosophical texts in the history of philosophy. Kant establishes synthetic a priori and emphasizes the importance of the physical world. Kant stresses that to know things, a person must experience things. Review notes for more on Kant.
  • French Revolution Begins

    French Revolution Begins
    The French Revolution violently transformed France from a monarchical state with a rigid social hierarchy into a modern nation in which the social structure was loosened and power passed increasingly to the middle classes. King Louis XVI's financial crisis forced the French monarch to reluctantly convene the Estates General in order to levy a new land tax that would hopefully solve his monetary woes.
  • The Storming Of The Bastille

    The Storming Of The Bastille
    The storming of the Bastille opens the French Revolution. Although the revolution is remembered for the Terror, French revolutionaries should also be remembered for creating a new kind of public health policy. "The right of property," said the revolutionary Robespierre, "is limited like all others by the obligation to respect the rights of others.